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    Artist description
    zgia... music and words lurk in a lyrical bay...wonder about one another...listen to the words, listen to the talk, listen to the meaning...listen to listen yourself...words do not pray...neither mess around...they do their best to understand everyday´s life & love in poetic terms...and music is always something beyond words...floating poetry...goose-pimples on the skin of understanding...the normal and the extraordinary try to meet the same time...zgia
    Music Style
    rockpop with a whole lot to tell u
    Musical Influences
    all the music I have listened to throughout my live: blues, jazz, brasilian music, music of the 70th & 80th, fado, tango, etc.
    Similar Artists
    I don't know but I admire artists like Seal, Sting, Djavan, Ivan Lins, Joe Sample, Pat Metheny, Jimi Hendrix, Cassandra Wilson, Robert Johnson, etc.
    Artist History
    The bandI was able to gather both my friends and wonderful musicians to realize my music. Since our relationship is not only of a mere musical kind but also very personal and the musicians knew my compositions and me yet for years, the music turned out very personal. Everyone when playing added his personality and within this his interpretation based on his profound knowledge regarding my music and me. It was an experience beyond words to see my music taking shape - a shape that was predestinate/conceptualized by the composition but that gained its final form within us playing together. It was really beautiful to listen to my music again after having been transformed into our band music and still recognize it as mine and flourished.The projectEver since I listen to music I am fascinated by the combination of wonderful lyrics with sounds and harmonies that suit into the overall expression of word&music together as a song. I am not capable to separate lyrics from music even though music considered by itself possesses a vaste variety of „languages“ and expressions which I enjoy listening. With my own music I tried to ambience my lyrics within the current of the musical flow. After years of live-playing in small clubs trying to convince people of some new lyrics and my own music - I cannot call it new because music always has its predecessors but nevertheless I think that it is a littlebit different from comercially offered music - I decided that I really wanted to try a new approach onto it. So the cd project was born! I still keep on going to call it like that because it has always been a flexible and open minded attempt to search, reach, get acquainted with, research into, exceed or accept and - that for sure - play with our limits. And after having done it, I feel good about the result but the project is still vibrant because every cd is only the temporary end of something new beginning. The cd has enabled me to put forward my personal view on my music as a product. Now it is exposable and it represents my try to establish music&lyrics as equal parts of a song. The listener may choose his/her personal way among the many possibilities of listening to music. Maybe that includes also touching, looking at the cd cover and reading the cd booklet - each of them made with care and love - or maybe that means only listening to the fifth song without even caring for the lyrics. Whatever it means to the former audience the point for me is that I - within the limits of my possibilities [I have signed no major label contract = moneymoneymoney] - can now offer my music as a cd that permits an access to my idea of music from the first „see and touch“ a cd over readable texts - maybe some metaphor does not fit the one or the other but you can still try the text as a poem - up to the music itself which - in my opinion - has become the central movement.
    Group Members
    Ralf Goeldner, Matze Schmidt, Jan Beiling, Juergen Ghebrezgiabiher (composition&lyrics)
    drums, percussion, background vocals (ralf) ; solo & rythm guitar, background vocals (matze) ; saxophon, windding (jan) ; vocals, bass, rythmguitar (juergen) ; additional guitars and guitar soli (daniel tochtermann[tiger], stefan scheid[picking flowers]) ; vocals on tiger (kirsten bress)
    zgia, so strange
    Frankfurt - Germany

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