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    Artist description
    CEOXiME blends trance, jungle and triphop - along with classic sounds of industrial and darkwave - to bring a new sound to Detroit.
    Music Style
    Electronic, Industrial, Darkwave, Trance, Jungle, trip-hop
    Musical Influences
    Diesel Boy, Sasha/Digweed, Art of Noise, Skinny Puppy, Ride, Bauhaus, Radiohead, 16 Volt.
    Similar Artists
    Everything but the girl ( EBTG ), Collide, Cocteau Twins, Nitzer Ebb, Delirium, Technior, Waiting for God, Android Lust, Breakbeat Era
    Artist History
    "Producers dream of finding a voice like hers when they place ads in the music classifieds. It's a lucky thing, for us and for CEOXiME, that hEADaCHE and Tatiana were brought together through one of these ads. In the early years they were known as Format C:, a project that fragmented in 1997. After their early work together, the creation of CEOXiME was inevitable. The connection between hEADaCHE and Tatiana was intense and magnetic, and they began new studio work within months of the breakup of Format C:. My innocence is fading away, sings Tatiana on the first released CEOXiME track on D[elEcTROnIc]T. This girl sings like she means it. She tasted operatic vocal training in school, long before she drifted into electronic music, and it shows. It's clear she's tasted something much darker than that, too. Please don't leave me alone, I'm scared of myself-her voice on Horror Inside pleads with us, chills us, and strikes a very secret and shared nerve-the spot at the base of our skulls that twinges when the lights go out. And what about the man behind the machines? hEADaCHE seems close enough to touch, creating gorgeous, hypnotic, and trance-inducing music. We feel his hands on the synth keys, his fingers on the knobs. hEADaCHE combines elements of trance, jungle, and trip-hop with the classic sounds of industrial and darkwave, making CEOXiME an indispensable part not only of the Detroit soundscape, but of the growing global sound of electronic music." - DJ Una - What does CEOXiME do besides creating stunning music? In early 1998, hEADaCHE realized CEOXiME didn't have the resources to promote their electronic music in Detroit, but also realized other artists would be in a similar situation. A coalition of artists could help promote each other and help spread success; so the Detroit Electronica Coalition was born. hEADaCHE single-handedly gathered 15+ musical groups to pool their resources to produce D[elEcTROnIc]T. The overwhelming demand from the artists has allowed hEADaCHE to continue the series, with the second coming out in May. Additionally, hEADaCHE has remixed for many other artists, including Noxious Emotion, DiVERJE, Trotski's Block, esion, function13, and Paul Reset.
    Group Members
    Tatiana - Vocals hEADaCHE - Machines
    D[elEcTROnIc]T, Darkness & the Machine Vol 2, Static Landscapes Vol 1, Cybonetix2000, delectronict2, notes from thee real underground compilations, Cybonetix 2000
    Press Reviews
    "...elements of trance and jungle along with weathered rock and sharp twigs..." - Metrotimes "...nothing short of awesome!" - Alterculture Records "...wonderful, dark, ambient, beat-heavy..." Im Rythmus Bleben "...sounds like an angel's voice bellowing amongst the darkness..." - "...A very impressive debut, definitely recommended to fans of the sub-genre..." - Nepenthacea "...vacuum packed female vocals, squishy synth and quirky percussive smack..." - Outburn Magazine ...triphop groove ensues, creating a textured and smooth progression...- Specim CEOXiME is a duo now emerging from the Detroit electro scene, and while I suppose comparisons to Collide, Waiting for God, et. al. are inevitable at this point (since CEOXiME uses a similar formula of electro/industrial with ethereal female vocals), in all honesty, I think CEOXiME have the potential to possibly even surpass the aforementioned. hEADaCHEšs electronics are cleaner and more creative (with the added bonus of being guitarless...), and Tatianašs vocals have a more innocent, airy quality to them (without sounding quite as contrived) as the above-mentionedšs sometimes do. While technically an E.P., Vibrant Grey plays more like a full-length (even despite the abundant remixes, which, for a change, are quite different from the originals in most cases), and is rarely repetitive. To be truthful, I canšt seem to keep this disc out of my player-itšs that good! A very impressive debut, definitely recommended to fans of the sub-genre... -Nepenthacea, PO Box 1391, Northampton, MA 01061-1391, USA -
    Detroit, MI - USA

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