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    "Undeniably the world's most poplar video game , the Atari 2600 Video Computer System has in one way or another been in just about everyone's life. From original owners back in the late 70's and 80's, to new owners just discovering their simple yet extremely addictive game play. The Atari 2600 was technically superior to most of the other game systems when it was released such as the Bally Astrocade, Odyssey 2 and Fairchild Channel F and took a farlead in first place. Systems such as the Intellivision and Colecovision were graphically better systems, however the Atari 2600 won the hearts and minds of most video gamers and climbed to the top and stayed there for most of its existence." - The Atari Historical Society
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    To gain Chroma/Luma/Audio output you will need 3 RCA patch cables [the kind commonly used with stereos]. Simply solder the cables at the required points (Chroma/Luma/Audio). Remember to GROUND ALL cables! ie: solder the GROUND wire [the wire that wraps around the inner wire] to any point that the board shield connects to. To gain Composite/Audio output you need 2 RCA patch cables [the kind commonly used with stereos]. Here it gets a little different than above. Simply solder a "jumper" [a piece of wire] from R41 (Chroma) to TP5 (Luma), then connect a patch cord to TP5 [Presto! you now have composite]. Solder the remaining cable to C19 (Audio). Again, remember to GROUND all cables. Do *NOT* GROUND the jumper!Simply re-assemble the unit and you are done. You will find that it is easier to have the newly installed cables exit through the joystick port. Alternatively, you could cut a notch in the case for a separate exit. Having the cables exit through the RF output is not recommended. There will not be enough room (without pinching the cables) to hook up the RF cable. Adjust your brightness/contrast. Enjoy! If you ever wish to adjust your color (chroma) there is a "POT" that you can tweak. It can be found near the OFF/ON switch. It is the only pot on the left side of the board. NOTE: You can connect the Audio to EITHER side of the Capacitor, the best results are obtained by placing it on the BOTTOM of the Capacitor. ALSO NOTE: The Chroma *MUST* be hooked up to the BOTTOM of the resistor. It will NOT work if you hook it to the top of the resistor.
    Atari Products, Inc. - USA

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