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    Artist description
    Offensive wankery. A real armbreaker.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Five-Eight, Poster Children, Dead Kennedys, NWA, Black Flag, Deacon Brody, Jucifer, Pink Floyd, Husker Du, Neutral Milk Hotel, Black Sabbath, Donovan, Fenris Wolf, Iron Beagle, Simon & Garfunkle, Nuclear Assault, NKOTB, Killdozer
    Similar Artists
    Artist History
    Out of the postgrunge fallout of the turn of the millenium came a band, like many other bands yet unlike any before them, to smite heavily upon theheads of any who would come to share the joy of bleeding ears and frosty lagers. They were called the dictatortots, and it was good, and they begat much verminous children of poetic disfructure. And so it was said: Ye who shall follow these dictatortots shall be numbered among the blessed. Thou shalt consume great quantities of beverage, untilall are beauteous and beloved to thine eye. And thou shalt thrash they heads until the heavy crick enters thy neck. And when the magic panflutes play,then shalt thou rejoice, all whilst shedding happy tears and soiled garments, hurling thou at each other with a great frenzy until all is still again. And the mark of these dictatortots shall be placed upon the clothing of the chose; yea also onto their beverage cups, and conveyances, and computerworkstations, and key fobs. And those marked shall be raised above other men, for they are the chosen of the one true band. And so it is foretold: these dictatortots would inherit the world, and all worlds beyond it. They shall reap the piles of wealth, cases of fine drink and vastseas of adoration they so richly deserve. And all people of the worlds shall rejoice, for their love will nearly burst from their chest, and their laughterand upraised fists shall shake the land.
    Group Members
    Dr. Ass, M.C. Hatchet, The Reaver, Snake (or Bear), Sue Balls
    drums, bass, guitar, screaming, more screaming, keyboards, some screaming, amplified bowel movements, hollering, yelling, pan flutes.
    Ein, Zwei, Drei, Vier, Funf, (you get the picture)
    Press Reviews
    From ein zwei drei, Hamburg, Germany: The Dictatortots haben barrelled in die zeitgenössische europäische Musikszene mit Stärke und Art. Ihre Musik definiert noch einmal die Grenzen der elektronischen Musik um. Vorlagenanreihungen " Snake " und " das Reaver " legen einen konstanten Schwall der experimentellen Geräusche und der Proben nieder, während mixmasterdj " Dr. Ass " die Abstände mit AltartHüfte-hopfendem löschen ausfüllt. Das antics des Unterhaltes " M.C. Hatchet " es aller vom Sein das übliche Licht-und-Laser-und-ecstacy die Erfahrung. Neuauflage " Sue Blime " fügt eine elegante traditionelle Note mit ihrem handmadespinett hinzu. Put das Dictatortots auf Ihrem " muß Liste sehen ", naechstes Mal wenn sie Hamburg schlagen. Sie sind Sie froh. From die a thousand deaths, Petrograd, Russia: Le Dictatortots ont lâché un unslaught de unparalled la férocité sur jaded et les oreilles de ricaner de la scène russe en métal de la mort. Les riffs de formation de soufflures de guitare, le feedback mal de tête-headache-inducing, les tonnes de sang faux et les disembowelments terminent leur exécution. La dernière exposition dans la rue Petersburg a envoyé 43 ventilateurs overexuberant à l'hôpital, et la police d'émeute a dû finalement fermer l'exposition en bas de plus de deux heures après se fermer programmé. La bande, entourée par le gaz lacrymogène et les amplificateurs brûlants, répondus en composant la musique riff-lourde d'émeute sur place. Sur leur version de prison, deux nouveaux albums, y compris " l'émeute de phase " et " moi vous détruiraient maintenant mais j'ai besoin de quelque chose attendre avec intérêt le demain " serai aussi bien libéré. Soyez sûr de le contrôler dehors - une bande que ceci possédé grillera rapidement. From the Rolling Stone Album Guide, 1992: Stoned-out, dumb, clumsy, soulless, overamplified and ugly: surely rock was sinking to an all-time low with this satanic claptrap. [...]heavy metal albums the old-fashioned way, with plenty of sludgelike guitar, dime-store satanism and the sort of vocal vibrato usually found in aging Salvation Army workers.
    Additional Info
    Athens, GA - USA

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