Poetry Band - Spoke Artist Info Home
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    Artist description
    This interesting new group has it's roots in a rich tradition of "poetry bands." Spoke uses Music more as a painter than an architect, allowing the poems to establish tempo.
    Music Style
    Trance Poetry
    Artist History
    Spoke is relatively new on the scene and began as a later more highly organized way to express poetic ideas through performance. Richard Perry (Spirit), Renee Tambeau (Emotion), John Demko (Mind) and Kim Webb (Intent) create domains to draw from, the way an organism would draw from it's parts. They have recently been featured at Chicago's Green Mill and the Detroit Festival of the Arts. Their first CD "God's Red Herring" is currently available and features three additional talented musicians, Johnny Evans (tenor sax), Tim Sulliman (percussion) and Dean Western (bass guitar)
    Group Members
    John Demko (Earth) comes from an orchestral / symphonic background. He has played with many bands including Johnny B and the Big City Buckaroos. John's 16 year poetry career has seen him published in journals like Outposts and The Pennsylvania Review. He was a past editor for Big City Blues magazine. He writes immediate poetry about time and place. Richard Perry (Fire) is a hand percussion expert who has studied a variety of traditions and styles of drumming. Richard is a pagan who has initiated and contributed to many drum circles. He is a massage therapist-so he uses his hands to heal in two ways. Renée Tambeau (Water) comes from a theatre background. She was a founding member of two alternative theatre groups: Thick Knot Rhythm Ensemble, which performs original works exploring racial and cultural issues and P.O.W. (Pissed Off Wimmin) which performed feminist and lesbian plays. She has written poetry, short stories, a children's story and a one woman show. Her work has been published in a variety of journals including the Howling Dog, the Citizen, and The Word Enamel. She was the 1997 and 1998 poetry slam champion of Detroit. Stuart Tucker (Space) This seasoned jazz drummer has played with many bands. His most recent credits include The Luddites, Stunning Amazon, and Jo Serrapere. Stuart teaches English at the University of Detroit. He walks every evening and is notorious for forgetting something in any city he plays in. Kim Webb (Air) has an M.F.A. in painting. A co-founder of MASK gallery, Flowpoets, The City Sessions, and The Detroit Poetry Slam. His first book Abstract Cores (Ridgeway Press, 1996) had several poems nominated for a PUSHCART PRIZE. His work has appeared in many journals including: Woodward Magazine, The Bonfire Review, Cupid, and The Word Enamel. His work will be included in an anthology of Detroit poetry forthcoming in Spring 2001 by Wayne State University Press. Kim is a Buddhist and teaches creative writing to Union workers through Wayne State's Labor College.
    Guitar, hand percussion and voice
    God's Red Herring
    Hamtramck, MI - USA

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