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    Artist description
    Notpictured plays music that can't be ignored. Instrumentally, their sound is rooted in the gritty warmth of rock and the simplicity of folk, but always perched on the edge of playful experimentation. Songs like "Simple" drive forward soulfully, simultaneously balancing jagged meters with effortless melody. Musicianship, however, always takes a back seat to songcraft in Notpictured's music. The songs are wrought with the struggles and revelations of living on earth, and gilded with hard-won joy. Jamie Hughes' voice rings with a desperate need for simplicity and a profound hope for heaven. But the weightiness of the songs is offset by the always-evident sense of pure fun that comes from close friends playing together. In addition to Hughes, the band is made up of Jamie Thomas, drums, and Nick Dika, electric guitar and mandolin. The three musicians have played in many different configurations in the past, and the group's diverse tastes are tempered with a sense of communion and friendship. One gets a sense that they are not fighting with each other for leads or for style, but instead contributing to weaving a unique texture, and to expressing the common hope contained at the heart of their songs. Notpictured has played in venues from coffee houses to town picnics to churches to hardcore battles of the bands all over New England, and released their first CD, The Waiting is Over in the summer of 2000. This will be their second summer at the Inside Out Soul Festival.
    Music Style
    acoustic rock, folk rock, electric rock, punk..... i mean rock and or roll. Overall goodness.
    Musical Influences
    DMB. Toad The Wet Sprocket, the Cure, Audio Adrenaline, Newsboys, Caedmon's Call
    Similar Artists
    Caedmon's Call, Jars of Clay, DMB - before they decided to put crap on cd's.
    Artist History
    got together in september of 1999, to play a couple shows. They all enjoyed playing together so Notpictured was created.
    Group Members
    Jamie Thomas: Percussion; James Hughes: Acoustic Guitar, Vocals; Nick Dika: Electric Guitar
    acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, and various percussion toys
    the waiting is over , Also appearing........notpictured
    Press Reviews
    THE CD IS IN!!!!!!sooon you will be able to buy online at, but if you cant wait, come to a show and get one for 8 bucks. Also, we are selling them at Good News Bookstore in Derry NH, down by WAL-MARTEXTRA EXTRA! Our second cd, a full fleged live cd with electric and acoustic materials, is about to be sent to be duplicated. Look for it in about a month!
    Additional Info
    Chai is Love
    Manchester and Windham, NH - USA

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