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    Artist description
    Young and foolish
    Music Style
    surfin in the garage pyschadelic hillbillypunk lofi before lo-fi was cool industiral dance music
    Musical Influences
    God - the Cramps - Butthole Surfers - Puff the Magic Dragon - velvet Underground - Cabret Voltaire - Throbbing Gristle
    Similar Artists
    Velvet Underground and many other bands that learned how to play their instruments along the way.
    Artist History
    It all began on a warm summer's eve when after listening to the Christan metal band Tempest suck the life out of an audience, Doug Shawhan, Scot Mangold, and Jon Curtis, had nervous breakdowns and started beating on any thing that would make a thud clank clang donk ding. A band was forged and together they would bring world peace. But they needed a secret operative a man that knew the ways of killing silently and could provide medical attention to its fans - the man became known as Gregg Hale. After hastily putting together a band we played our first show at the Ross Theatre (now a parking lot)opening for the inverted nipples. The band lined up 55 gallon plastic drums, corrugated sheets of metal, some keyboards, various drum pieces, a drum set, a guitar and an out of tune trombone. The people were inticed with donuts and Jolt cola. Nobody knew what hit them, but everyone was scared. Then during the second show the Dogg appeared in the center of a crowd wrapped up in aluminum foil. With in twenty minutes of opening our set the crowd and other bands members started grabbing instruments off the stage and started making love all around us (what is this a drum circle without all the hacky sack playing hippies you see now)! After a few band intrument changes Dogglethuraxxe became a 3 piece combo and headed to southern Illinois to record "Color Us Famous." The original tape was sold with a big crayon. After a year it was time to move on to other projects. Dogg members eventually went onto opening a book store, become Pimp Daddy Nash, learn how to cook, and make small time movies like the Blair Witch.
    Group Members
    Doug Shawhan - Guitars, vocalsScot Mangold - bassGregg Hale - drumsJon Curtis knob twister and tweaker
    Drums, keyboards, bass, and guitars
    Two no named tapes and then Color Us Famous
    Press Reviews
    Nobody wanted to review us
    Evansville, IN - USA

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