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    Artist description
    I am Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. More than half my life is spent as finance professional, shopping around for a little extra return on other people’s money. Ironically, in spite of being an economist and working in this greedy field, I just can’t find money interesting, and much less beautiful. Although the process of understanding markets and making money can be challenging, I can’t lose sleep over something so meaningless as money in itself. So what good does it do? It enables me to make money to spend on music equipment. I use quite some time on making music. This is the world where I seek and sometimes find humility, truth, and beauty. A stark contrast to the trinity of power, greed, and lies, that is so prominent in the real world. The music presented here is uncomplicated. It is mostly relatively slow and melodic, and doesn’t really fit into one genre. Some is ambient or new agey. Some is middle-aged half-depressed pop-rock. All of it is an attempt at expressing my real emotions. I hope it may invoke images in the mind of the listener. One thing will immediately strike you if you hear the songs: I just can’t sing. So if YOU can sing and you would like to sing some of these songs, please get in touch.
    Music Style
    A variety of styles. Keywords are meditative, contemplative, melodic, uncomplicated, film with a happy ending, hopefully. One half is instrumental, the other are songs with true stories. I hope to conjure up images of beauty and optimism, despite all.
    Similar Artists
    Inspiration from Lou Reed, Bowie, Jan Garbarek, Pat Metheny, Enio Morricone, Simple Minds...and all the noises from my daughter's room
    Group Members
    Just myself - but as indicated above, I am looking for a singer.
    PC, synths, samplers, controllers and effects. Key elements: sequencing and recording on Cubase and Scope/SP. Earlier I use a bunch of outboard synths and FX, but now it's mostly VSTi and Creamware.... Still haven't found a replacerment for JP-8000, Virus and good old workhorses like JV1080, though
    *Scapes (Manse CD)
    Copenhagen - Denmark

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