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Action Plus!

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    Artist description
    Action Plus! is the brainchild of Robert Fanelli. With a rotating cast of characters Robert brings to life his melodic, and sometimes quirky sonic vision to life. Standard pop song structures mix with twisted jazz flavorings and tamed dissonances. The lyrics range from the unabashed love song to the surreal. CD Personnel:Jeff Tanner,Guitar;Mike Shellito,Bass;Simon Nagle,Drums;John Grunwell,Drums;Robert Fanelli,Vocals,Guitar,Bass.
    Music Style
    indie pop
    Musical Influences
    pavement, the beatles, elvis costello,todd rundgren, joe jackson, sonic youth
    Similar Artists
    pavement,joe jackson, steely dan, wunderband, the db's
    Artist History
    Robert was a member of the highly praised NYC powerpop trio Wunderband. Currently he is the arranger and guitarist for 'The Beach Balls', probably the most interesting cover band on earth at this most propitious moment in popmusic history.
    Group Members
    Personnel:Jeff Tanner,Guitar;Mike Shellito,Drums;Chris Kubicek,Bass,Drums;Robert Fanelli,Vocals,Guitar,Bass.
    Press Reviews
    Press for Robert Fanelli and Action Plus! "If you're a fan of power-poppers Wunderband, you already know about the songwriting gifts of singer/guitarist Robert Fanelli. With his new project, Action Plus!, Fanelli keeps up his knack for immediate melodies. Now, though, he adds a more interesting sonic punch with bassist Mike Shellito, drummer Simon Nagle, and guitarist Jeff Tanner of the Photon Band rounding out the AP lineup. New Songs, such as 'Tough Enough For the Girls' - like older Wunderband Gems - are as hooky as good Lemonheads. But the new, more daring arrangements also manage to channel the anti-guitar solos and beautiful feedback of Pavement, the two-guitar assault of Sonic Youth, and the indie-rock sincerity of Guv'ner." -William Ricchini -The Philadelphia Weekly, Jan 27 1999 "In Wunderband, Fanelli writes the kind of songs where boys admire Aimee Mann look-alikes and May Queens from afar, and the melodies are starry-eyed and wistfully reminiscent of The Cars pining for the best friend's girlfriend, or Joe Jackson wondering if it's different for girls. With Action Plus! expect to hear more of the same like 'Tough Enough For the Girls', which turns out to be the opposite of its title, because its aim is true-or at least has you convinced." -Sara Sherr -Philadelphia Daily News, Jan 29, 1999 "Action Plus! bears the same double-edged sword as Weezer. They've got major hooks and the kind of looks that could land them on Dawson's Creek, like any minute now. Singer/Guitarist Robert Fanelli's songs stick to the important stuff - mostly the art of wooing the Ladies. His band - sticks to the other important stuff: giving Fanelli's pure, singsongy pop tunes a bit of the ol' punk muscle." -Joey Sweeney -The Philadelphia Weekly, April 21 , 1999 ***Here is a selection of one local, and several national press Clippings from Robert's work with "Wunderband", a NYC power pop trio that once shared a stage at the mercury lounge with CREED of all people. These clippings are specific references to Robert's songs: Review of Wünderband II, 4 song EP: Thus engaging tape grabs with its slow, heavy melodies carried by its highlighted vocals. Wünderband writes tunes featuring vocals at the very front of the mix and dense, atmospheric guitar hum pressed into the background, though it is still prominent enough to hold the songs’ sturdy structure. With “Another Guyâ€, Wünderband proves it can write some hummable hits that hold up to repeated plays. We look forward to hearing some more. -Cheryl Gotchick -CMJ New Music Report, February 1997 Review of “Sixteen†and “Another Guy†7†single: “Another Guy†sounds closer to the melodic style Big Star enthusiastically captured in the ‘70’s. Its swaying harmonies are irresistible and charming. -John Fortunato -SMUG, March 1996 Review of Debut CD “Wünderbandâ€: The coyness of the lyrics to “Yes, Yes, Hey, Hey†(and the unnatural fascination with Aimee Mann) suggest that these guys are in the same line as Weezer. The harmonies have a tendency to rock out at opportune moments will find Wünderband favor all over the country. Look out all you old-school Lollapaloozers, I just found your next favorite band. -Ian C. Stewart -Autoreverse, April 1996 Review of Debut CD “Wünderbandâ€: Wünderband's self-titled release is an instantly likable listen, sticky-sweet with power-pop hooks and harmonies. Not unlike the Lemonheads, Weezer, or Big Star, Wünderband find charming results by staying firmly rooted in adolescent emotion. Songs such as “Yes, Yes, Hey, Hey†are perfect anthems to play during the credits of an unreleased John Hughes film. (three out of four stars) -William Ricchini -Philadelphia Weekly, December 3, 1997 Review of Debut CD “Wünderbandâ€: This NYC trio’s debut sparkles with melody, imagination, wit, and aching songs of unrequited love. Wünderband’s strength resides in the songwriting flair of guitarist Kyle Kelso, and bassist Robert Fanelli. Fanelli is a wry melancholic with a knack for sad quirky melodies. “Hint of Jealousy†is his finest moment, a song so naked in emotion and observation it’s almost embarrassing to sit through. Truly special. -Theo Cateforis -The Big Takeover, July 1998 Robert Fanelli 215-282-9377
    Philadelphia, PA - USA

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