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(-,()I) [-()I^S/-\I'\EI\I I_|/-\I^

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    Artist description
    Just one god forsaken guy, wanderin the earth, hopin to get some of his music heard. Agh! Bloody Fish!
    Music Style
    Ambient, Industrial, GOA, etc.
    Musical Influences
    Trent Reznor and the troupe from NIN, and Richard D. James are my two biggest influences. Just about everything I hear influences me in some way or another.
    Similar Artists
    Aphex Twin (aka: Richard D. James, Soit P.P., Powerpill, etc.) Nine Inch Nails. So on, so forth.
    Artist History
    It's kinda long, and uneventful, but, here goes:Started with the whole electronic music thing when I joined a small video game rpg group thingyback in '96.I lied and said I knew how to compose music, so in a rush I found a peice o' shit midi composer(anvil studio, I think it was.) Well, I didn'teven know what midi was then, so everything prettymuch reeked. After the group working on the rpgsplit up, I said "Fuck this, I'm gonna try workinon my music". So I got a Tracker and some samplesand tried converting the shitty videogame music I had been makin into some decent techno music. Ilearned alot about different styles, and so on, and my talent grew (a little) and then I graduatedon to where I am now.
    Group Members
    Me, mainly.Sometimes I get people who want to help me out,like my little brother Ryan, my step-brother Scott,or my friend Jeremy, but mainly I fly solo.
    Why the hell would you care what I use? Anyways, I don't have all that much, really. I just try to make do with what I got. I am always looking to buy more equipment, which is why it would be cool, if ya like the music, to buy a DAM cd, or even just send me a donation or something.
    Enumclaw, Washington - USA

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