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nemo (sheild)

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    Artist description
    Um well ... nemo is a dark heavy and mystical sounding band that usually ends up bleeding all over their intruments by the end of the set .. but ummm its all in good fun ..... smashing broken electronics too // I will kill all of the espers that wont sleep foreverThe Espers are held in saphires emeralds and gems by Chris Murray... i mean right next to him ...... ummmmmm if you wear the the the.... uhhh audio video cables on yr ummmmm chains ,, it looks nicw with yr bondage gear and spikes and lip rigs and all that everything else.... forget about being the last one to build pyimids for someone...... at one of shows..... right before we were gonaa play in san fra siscko these giant silver wolves like 4o feet tall wolves cames and ate are audiecne......... they ate are fucking audience... rob was soooo mad..... he jumped off the 8 foot stage ...climbed up one of the damn things and bashed his ibeneiz right into its face..... it ran off yelping....well you know thats rob for you....... always smashing things........ He Produces, records, writes, arranges, and performs all his materiel. On Nemo's first album, *"BLUSH"*, he enlisted the talents of "Fiend" ( Chris Ford ). His influences dont come from any bands but rather mystical role playing games like Super metroid and final fantasy and he just loves to take that and put heavy strange guitar chords together with exotic druming and bass guitar. Chris can be contacted via email at The band "nemo" out of Somerset, KY include Chris Murray, Rob Moore, Tim Cox and Jayme Smith. They play local shows and are planning on touring eventually. Nemo's *"blush"*, *"elixer"*, *"mimic"* & *"lobby ghost"* were made entirely by Chris Murray. before he formed the band. Chris still makes music on the side and is currently working on *"av&ap"*. Nemo, the band's, first album together will be *"dark undine"*.
    Music Style
    heavy dark mystical
    Musical Influences
    Samus Aran.... final fantasy
    Similar Artists
    im not sure about other artists but nemo(sheild) who used to be
    Artist History
    Group Members
    Jaeme Smith, Nick Kelsey, Chrs Murray and Rob Moore
    Guitars, Drums, Bass, Vocals, Esper destruction
    Neemo's Elixer, Blush, Mimic, Lobby Ghost, AV&AP, Slumber bye seaside, and Sealllab
    Press Reviews
    where ever the espers are found so will the the metroids..... and chris murray wont be far off either...jayme is ummm......shes my close strange friend..... i found her in my bathroom when i was crawling in my bathtub on coricedin.... i went through a portel and....she was there *inside it* i touched her lips and she touched mine and then i fell out of my bathtub onto my fllor in the really sucked..... anyway somehow we found our way back into the portel and found each other......then we found a vial....of water and we messed around a bit with it and we thought how we thrive off of water..water is our lifeforce...without it we would perish...but how does water live??? is water live? we poured the water into where we were and watched it closley as it fell into the nothingness...... jayme tackled the water and started biting into it and beating it down and she pulled a giant sword from inside her magical backpack.....and she started attacking the water and the water started bleeding...... and then i started attacking the water also.......... a left slash and then another..........we watched as the water was defeated by us.............we could kill the 14 seas of the dark realm........we watched the water bleed clear.........its blood was clear........ we climbed out of the portel and made our way though the world to the ocean...we went into the ocean......... and went to the took a very long time..........a very,very,very long time.... then when we got to the very bottom there we cut into the ocean floor and opened up a passage into the "other side".....this place was on the other side of the ocean where many secrets lied....but some could tell the truth of things....and now we could decive that truth....we could kill water.......we could make water bleed.....we pullednout our blades....our healing blades...... we started slashing and gashing the mysteryoius waters around us and the water was bleeding....... this water was like that of the portels......there was water and then deep-water.......and the deep water was which we were killing.........the deep-waters blood ..which was clear was what water in our ocean.....our water used deep-waters blood to survive..........we captured the clear blood of the deep-water and drank it..............and then we made super red clover with it ....but aside that we killed a ocean.......... nemo ( me ) and jayme killed an ocean!!! mwaahahahahaha we are invincable..........we have done the impossible and we shall do it another countless times...........soon.......soon.............. soon the whole album "lobby ghost" will be completely on mp3.............. and not only the two............... and even in a week or to...... songs from the album "av and ap" which im recording right now here in gainesville florda..........a few weeks and those songs will start appearing........ audio video cables and astral projection........... yes................
    Additional Info
    pulaski county, KY - USA

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