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    Artist description
    The band is just me and my computer. All songs were recorded in my living room by me. If you like my work...THANKS!!!!! If not, I'm sorry. I have no one to blame but myself.
    Music Style
    Instrumental guitar music ranging from hard driving metal to softer accoustic rock songs
    Musical Influences
    Yngwie Malmsteen, Joe Satriani, Savatage, Dream Theater, Ace Freheley, Dokken, Iron Maiden
    Similar Artists
    Individual songs have individual styles...the most common associations would be with Joe Satriani and Yngwie Malmsteen.
    Artist History
    When I was five years old in the mid seventees, I used to listen to Kiss and dream of being like Ace Freheley. I took guitar lessons back then, but eventually quit after lacking the discipline to practice. In 1990, I picked up the guitar again with renewed dedication and began to appreciate the rewards of hard work. Since then, I have come up with many riffs, solos, and ideas. I began to expand my horrizons, working with drum machines, keyboards, and bass as well. However, it never all came together because I was just playing one instrument at a time along with the drum machine. Eventually some friends and coworkers convinced me to try to record some of my songs, and I went out and bought some sequencing software. After that, music was never the same. No longer was I just working on riffs, but complete songs. My early efforts contained lots of background noise, poor edits, and missed timing, but they were still full songs! I am still far from perfect, but I feel confident enough to at least let the world hear my songs now. I don't intend to make music my career, but at least these songs can help complete a dream I've had since I was a little kid.
    Group Members
    Dan Heffron: Guitars, Keyboards, Bass, Drum Programming, Writer, Recorder, Engineer, Dreamer.
    Additional Info
    Thanks for participating in my dream!
    Alexandria, VA - USA

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