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Mild Mannered

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    Artist description
    Known locally as "the band with the chick drummer," MMG was the house band at Nick's Place in Peoria Illinois but are now currently on a long overdue break. MMG plays anything from Classic Rock to Modern Rock.
    Music Style
    Classic Rock
    Musical Influences
    Cheap Trick, Nirvana, Kiss, Peral Jam, Van Halen
    Similar Artists
    Brad Birky Trio, Andrew Funk Orchestra, Go-Go's, Cheap Trick
    Artist History
    The history of Mild Mannered Grogan is a long and sorted tale. It all starts with the drummer Dot (. for short) and lead guitarist Paul. While they are related, no one really seems to know in what way. They met in a hotel elevator in Calgary Canada, discussed their musical interests and become relatives. While their musical tastes differ greatly, they both like the feeling of cold toes on warm feet. After years of practicing together (Dot on drums and Paul on guitar), they hooked up with Dave the bass player. Dave was fresh from a tour of Europe with his solo band. He returned to the states only to find that the Gong Show was off the air and had been for some time. Disillusioned but not without hope, he joined the band keeping an ever watchful eye on the TV Guide. After years of garage practices and trips to Taco Johns, the band decided they needed a singer (for some reason the crowds they played for demanded it). After searching for a few months, they caught a lucky break. A local band named the "Flaming Rear-Ends" had just broken up and their lead singer, Rick was available. The band talked him into joining. After a few gigs with this lineup, the band decided they needed a rhythm guitarist. Enter Steve. Steve was a refugee from Cuba, arriving on these shores on a home-crafted raft. Still running from the authorities, Steve is ever on the lookout for suspicious looking characters and frequently beats strangers about the head with his guitar. After a few months of playing out with this lineup, crowds became demanding once again. It seems they didn't want just a singer, they wanted a good one. Exit Rick. To this day the band has yet to find a good singer. Paul and Steve currently trade off vocals (very poorly) because they have no choice (Dot keeps threatening to turn Steve in to the authorities). MMG just released their first CD - "Live From Nick's Place". They should be bringing their pop brand of rock out on the road once again, insulting those around them.
    Group Members
    Dot - DrummerPaul - Lead GuitarSteve - Rhythm Guitar / SitarDave - Bass / Keyboard / Bass Clarinet
    Guitar, Drums, Bass Gitar, Bass Clarinet, Sitar, Keyboards
    MMG, Live From Nick's Place
    Press Reviews
    Steve prevents the press from attending our shows.
    Morton, IL - USA

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