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    Artist description
    A sometimes lengthy endeavor to explain and define life through music. To explore the palette of sound through experimentation structure and chaos. I like to think of silence as the canvas upon which musical artists paint.
    Music Style
    Acustic and Electronic Exploration
    Musical Influences
    The art of scientific sound
    Similar Artists
    The music is very electronic and my writing tastes vary. Each song is unique in it's own way.
    Artist History
    My solo compositions started coming out in 1992 under a different name. In that time I have written numerous compositions, some publicly available, some not. With the advent and popularization of MPEG audio encoding I can finally distribute this music to anyone and everyone willing to take the time to listen.
    Group Members
    The machines and I with occasional guest appearance by my ol' bandmates...
    Many electronic gadgets, Many percussion instruments and a computer
    Tapestries 1995 - IF, Then 1996 - Particle Vapor 1999 - Spirit of Humanity 1999/2000 - Catalyst 2000 - Analog 2001 - Primitives 2002
    Press Reviews
    ANALOG (2001) - review Not such a press review as a peer review -- The most sincere and gratuitous thanks to you JW for making such a phenomenal statement. I hope the rest of the world can enjoy these tunes as much as you did :-) ------------------------------------ I finally got a chance to listen to the CD last night, and I have a bruise on my chin from it hitting the floor when EOS fired up. Then Storytellers came in with this amazing guitar playing and sound - fret noise was amazing! The drums on all - holy crap, you 'played' those from a kit into the EX5? I mean Neil Peart would be envious of every track on Analog! The intensity build on all tracks are amazing, the 'smack stops' on Analog were incredible, and the build on Lost Kings again was startling. The segues between tracks are really well done too. By the time I got near the end of the CD, I could picture you having breakfast with Larry Fast, lunch with Vangelis, dinner with Edgar Froese and Jean Michael Jarre, and evening drinks with Robert Fripp and Steve Howe from Yes. And this vision is coming from me, and I hardly know who these dudes really are? But yet you have this 'modern edge' about all the tracks that could mix well with the likes of Stereolab's 'Jenny Ondioline' tune (which I think is like 18min. too?) and possibly anything by Air? Brilliant arrangements, playing, production, mastering... Where the heck is this Split Third studios? Don't tell me it's your bedroom or basement! I hope you're a honor Berklee Music grad, cause Analog is going to make all the other grads jealous! I for one am very impressed with you and your talents, Analog is a brilliant CD and has won the ranking in my 'A' rack of CD's. (Which is reserved only for my 'essential' listening collection!) I feel privileged for having heard Analog. Inspirational and captivating. Pleasurable and intriguing. You're way to humble! I'm definitely a fan now! Thanks again for taking the time out to deliver this, I'll definitely buy the next CD of yours in the stores!
    Additional Info
    MP3 encoding is a lossy compression scheme, while it is a great sceme for www music distrabution, it lacks the sharpness and clarity that original recordings posess. If you are interested in purchasing an original CD feel free to contact me.
    Ypsilanti, Michigan - USA

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