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    Artist description
    Jesus Christ has called me to be a communicator of His truth through preaching, teaching, writing & music. Because the truth I proclaim is His & His alone, it is required of me that I do things HIS way & not mine. He has freely given all things to me & He commands that the default of my heart be to offer these things free of charge to whoever He determines. This I gladly, joyfully & obediently do. Through His Scriptures, God also commands that those who labor in His gospel ministry earn their living from the ministry. Thus, I continue to offer this music free of charge, while trusting God to move the hearts of recipients to give financially WHATEVER amount He determines within their hearts to support this ministry. THERE IS NO SET PRICE ON GOD'S MUSIC PROJECTS THROUGH ME.
    Music Style
    Smooth jazz & easy listening gospel
    Musical Influences
    I don't have any particular people who I'd say have influenced the music I play. I have been & I am pretty ecletic in the musical genres I listen to.
    Similar Artists
    People have likened some of the music I play to Ramsey Lewis. Others have stated that the music I play doesn't resemble anyone else; it's simply original.
    Artist History
    At the tender age of four I began playing the piano. Soon after that the pastor of the church my family went to informed my mother that he wanted me to begin taking organ lessons with the church musicians. (What I didn't know is that our Father had told him to do this.) Later in the 8th grade, the ability to play the drums was added. A few years after that, while in the Army, the abilities to play & program electronic keyboards & drum machines were also added to me. During my 33 years I've been in over 10 different bands until the Father finally got my attention that He wanted me to follow Him solo.
    Group Members
    The Father has called me to join His activity in San Bernardino, CA. I am continuing to follow Jesus solo and partnering with those He chooses along the way. It's all about Him!!!
    Piano, keyboards, organ, drums
    Unveiled; Sketches of Grace; Ransom Paid In Blood
    San Bernardino, CA - USA

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