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    Artist description
    Symphony of chaotic Rock... Hold you sack or your balls will vibrate until the explode!!!
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Beatles, Weezer, SDRE, Nirvana, Ben Folds Five, Local H, Rolling Stones, Neil Young, Foo Fighters, and many many more
    Similar Artists
    Foo Fighters, Weezer, Nirvana, The Beatles
    Artist History
    The complete history of Reverie (as seen by Kerry)One exciting Christmas morning, I received a guitar. Ever so happy , I began to bang away on the stings. Then I got bored, so I called my friend Lank. Lank bought a pair of sticks and began to bang away at anything he could. Then I called my friend Erik Sooy. Erik played a bass that I got from his Uncle Walt, thus completing the sound, and forming WarAnts. WarAnts lasted a few extremely long tiring months, with Erik and me writing a few crappy songs, such as Dirt, Circle of Death, and the hit, Thermal. Then Erik became interested in playing the drums, and began to bang away at his newly acquired set. At this time, he left WarAnts to play drums for Brett Smitley and Adam Weidmann their band, the WallFlowers, that's right, the WallFlowers. It was almost a year until Brett and Adam get fed up with sooy's wild antics. Adam got bored with the guitar and began to bang away on his own, makeshift, drum set. So sooy got the boot, and Brett and Adam decided to fend for themselves, thus forming…whatever their name is now. I, in the meantime, began taking guitar lessons and started a band with two kids named Mike Schreager and Ben Green. Ben and I played guitar, while Mike just sat there. After a while, Mike began to feel left out and begged me to teach him some chords. Well, Mike began to take lessons and quickly exceeded me in guitar playing ability. Ben moved to bass, and me and Mike played guitar. Mikes friend Chris was brought in to play drums, thus forming Ghost Train, that's right, Ghost Train. After a fall out between members, Ben left the band. Ghost Train lasted a few more months until Mike and I began to realize Chris sucked and kicked him out of the band. Desperate for a drummer, we called on Erik, fresh from being kicked out of yet another band, Mad House. Reverie was then formed. Two weeks later we played Drew Stock… and the rest is… none of you damn bidness.
    Group Members
    Mike - Guitar, Vocals : Kerry - Bass : Erik - Drums : Brian Mietz - Guitar, Vocals
    guitar, bass, drums
    ... Before I Hit the Ground, Summer Camp
    Collingswood, NJ - USA

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