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    Artist description
    FOG: Winter Darkness is going through alot of changes, from now on, its going to be more of a dead, sorrow and evil feeling. But at the same time mellow, peace and serenity feeling as well.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Mayhem, Burzum, Dark Throne, Ulver, Morbid Angel, Immolation, Hypocrisy, Death, Old Man's Child, Dark Funeral, Dissection, Tartaros.
    Similar Artists
    Mayhem, Burzum, Dark Throne, Ulver.
    Artist History
    After changing the first name of the band which was called "DIVINE" because it was already in use, i used the name "Winter Darkness". At the time i had to names in mind and they bother were really good so it didn't matter which one i used but in the end i ended up using them both so it all works out. Well before i never even heared of "BLACK METAL" i only listened to "DEATH METAL" My one friend at the time i never even met yet knew doug and introduced to him "MAYHEM" and when doug let me hear it i thought it was shit. But before i listened to mayhem i've heared of "EMPEROR" at this time they have returned with "ANTHEMS TO THE WELKIN AT DUSK" i heared about it in the issue of "PIT MAG". After listening to mayhem i went to the music store looking for some albums to buy and i ran along emperor and i said what the fuck, i'll get it. I listened to it and i hated it and through it in the corner of my room for almost a year. After that i really wasn't to into black metal till doug came to me once again with "DARK FUNERAL" and for some reason i listened to five seconds of it i swear on my soul i got the wind kicked out of my and my eyes went FUCK WIDE! and im like HOLY FUCK!!! what the fuck is this??? and then after that i loved black metal. Then another friend that i know came up to doug and i with "SATYRICON" an i totaly loved satyricon's "NEMIS DIVINA", and it basiclly started from there, after that i listened to mayhem again and turnes out they are onbe of my fav black metal bands besides dark throne and ulver and burzum. And emperor as well i gave it another shot after almost a fucking year and i loved every album that they have put out along with the side projects. But after listening to mayhem and dark funeral over and over and over and over and being brainwashed and understanding it and breathing it and also going towards my religion which is "satanism" the darkness in my grew and grew and thats when i decided to start a black metal band. That and death metal wasn't working out, doug was going towards black metal and i was brainwashed by mayhems "de mystriis dom sathanas" the album and the song. Over and over and over i listened to that one song and i said to myself this is the way this si the door way and i am the key that shall unleash the most bitter raw evil sorrow miseryfilled satanistic music known to all of mortal man. Im not trying to be another dark funeral or deicide but im going towards my pace my speed, as well as going towards the lyrics, i try not to take talking about satan and everything that goes with it to far WAY to far. What i mostly talk about in my lyrics is about me and what goes through my eyes and my past lives. After going through alot of shit doug and i finally put out a seven track EP called "DEMONIKRISE", Demonikrise is one of the main roots of Winter Darkness, i might put out alot of material but demonikrise is the one album i want everyone to remember its just one of the main chapters of the stories i am yet to tell and the chapters i have yet to let everyone hear is alot worse. After demonikrise i released a single titled "As the starless skies shine above me", that song has alot of meaning, and the way i wrote the lyrics no one with understand the main meaning behind the song, its very personal to me. The version i have for everyone to hear isn't the full version, the orignal is 10 mins long but it would be a big fucking bitch to download so i shorten it. After the single i am basiclly by myself, doug has other things happening in his life. He is in many different bands including his own "EXORCISM" and "DARK MARTYR" plus personal living things he doesn't have the time, so i am doing it myself. Which is really bad because its taking me along time to come up with ideas and and putting everything together and working on the art. But in the end it all works out better then i hoped. AVE SATANAS! HAIL MURDER!! HAIL TO ALL OF HORDES OF SATAN!!!
    Group Members
    FOG: Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Drums
    Demonikrise, As the starless skies shine above me.
    Additional Info
    ATTENTION! New material soon to be released very soon. Two titled singles "As woman meets wolf" & "When night falls", plus a 5 track EP titled "3".
    Imperial,, PA - USA

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