Keithalan Mullin & The StreamTones Artist Info Home
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Keithalan Mullin & The

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    Artist description
    Primarily, The StreamTones write and record independently at their home-based studio. Secondarily, they collaborate with life-long musical partner, Curt VanLoon and others when they get the chance to break away.
    Music Style
    Modern Rock/Pop
    Musical Influences
    Lenny Kravitz, Steely Dan, The Who, Joe Walsh, Warren Zevon, Billy Idol, Paul McCartney, U2
    Similar Artists
    Lenny Kravitz, Joe Walsh, Steely Dan, The Who, Warren Zevon
    Artist History
    Keithalan was born a 'burb boy near Chicago, IL, where the pop-rich musical inclinations seen in his current music were first created. Writing original “compositions” since “Day One”… Christmas 1972 (Em C Em C etc.), Keithalan went on to form a band with Jr. High buddies. This is where the ability of always hungering for more/better equipment began to take root. Next big step was getting tighter with Peter Schettek and Duane Parquette to form MoonCragar, where songs like Tetragrammatrash, Wake Up the Bongo Player, and the hit Crazy Lady emerged mixing pop with a little dose of funk. This band also enjoyed doing off-the-wall versions of obscure cover songs. Then came the realization that one could make money playing music.... other peoples' music. Off to Coversville he went with bands like Harlequin, TradeMark, Excalibre, Cartel and Sundance. Then Keithalan learned you can go on the road and play every night and make even more money. Joining up with The Party Company Band, the road was hit: Traveling and playing high energy top-40 dance rock in dark little lounges, spawning notes from managers saying "what are you trying to do, entertain?". Jumping on the chance to jump off the road found Keithalan helping out with one of Dustin Parker's incarnations. This band mixed original versions of cover material with strong originals; performing live at Chicago's finer venues and writing/recording in Nashville and Chicago Heights. Major life change sent Keithalan and his new bride, Marlena, to their current home where he found out that people walking down the street are NOT going to mug you. The Raised on Radio, and now Standing Room Only band recruited Keithalan for lead guitar and vocal work to keep him off the streets and out of trouble. Here, Keithalan was able to put together a studio with the mountain of equipment, and a keen production ear acquired through the years. Finally, the sum of all these previous ramblings are coming together... Keithalan, hooking up with the StreamTones and The Changed, still pulls from his big pop-little funk beginnings, but now with more alternative chordings and melody. Strong guitar lines carry most of the music with a penchant for moving-harmony vocal lines. While trying to keep most of his material in a POSITIVE vein, occasionally the good-love-gone-bad, these-things-aren't-right kind of songs creep in. In his weak attempts to discern and follow God's promptings, Keithalan tries to move his music in that direction with hopes that, given today's radio angst music (coupled with its poor talent), he can pump in an old message in a new way. He can grunge, he can edge, he can 'hop, but in a way that perhaps will lead someone OUT of a bad situation, not glorify it! Keithalan 's past influences are: Paul McCartney - Stevie Wonder - Joe Walsh - Billy Idol - Warren Zevon - U2 - the Who - David Gilmour - Lenny Kravitz. Keithalan 's current favs: John Elefante - Jars of Clay - Eli - Out of the Gray - Satellite Soul.
    Guitar, Vocals, PC sequencer and Multi-track DAW
    Press Reviews
    MUSIC INDUSTRY SONGWRITING AWARDS: Keith has received awards in several prestigious industry songwriting contests. In the Billboard Song Contest, he was awarded an Honorable Mention Certificate (Top 10 percent!). The Music City Song Festival presented Keith with the "Top 25 Finalist" award.
    Yourtown, YU - USA

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