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    Artist description
    Pretty much, I started to make electronic music because of the freedom I have in writing the songs. I write song at my own pace, and have them sound how I like them to sound. If I think that something doesn't fit I don't have to think twice about it and can eliminate it. It really gives you a lot of freedom and room to work. Most of the music I've written on the first cd was a composed with a creepy sound. On the next cd and most new stuff I've been writing it's following a different style, but someways staying the same. I don't know any certain way to describe the music other then just it sounds how I like it to sound.
    Music Style
    Electronic Creep
    Musical Influences
    NIN, Korn, Slipknot, Ultraspank, Tool, Skinny Puppy, Movies, Television, God, Satan, Hell, Heaven, Everything Don't limit yourself
    Similar Artists
    Nine Inch Nails, Aphex Twin, Pitchshifter, Kraftwerk
    Artist History
    First track, "Entrance" was written in 1995 when I was 15. I sat down at my computer and used a wav editing program and just mixed a bunch of sounds together then recorded some guitar and liked the way it turned out. After that I tried doing other things with wav editing, got into some track programs and have just been expanding from there. First cd was released in 2000 titled "21". Working on a follow-up to "21" called "1/2". I've also done a few tracks featured in some game mods. One in a Quake 3 mod called Crusade, and some tracks are being considered for a new game coming out. Check out my website if you want to check out info on the games, and if your interested in getting me to do music for you games send me an email.
    Group Members
    Troy Viers
    Sampling Machines, Guitars, Basses, Keyboards, Computers
    Evington, VA - USA

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