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Those Meddling

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    Artist description
    Two Brothers, an evil weather-changing device, and a missing Drummer last seen in Texas running from police. Powerful melodic vocals/harmonies, Electric guitars/Acoustic guitars, Bass, Mandolin, Piano/organ, and Drums/percussion.
    Music Style
    Roots/Rock, Pop, with a touch of Nashville
    Musical Influences
    Beatles, Rolling Stones, Ween, Quesadas, Cavedogs, Steve Earle, REM (when they were interesting) Jane's Addiction, Velvet Underground, Michael Knight…aka Knight Rocker
    Similar Artists
    Beatles, Rolling Stones, Quesadas, Evil Carrot, CopFat, Those Meddling kids, Cavedogs, Steve Earle, REM, Velvet Underground. How about Nirvana? No. How about Pearl Jam? No.
    Artist History
    It all started a long time ago…ah…well before you were born. Basically, two brothers were in a great band called The Quesadas back in 1990 to 1993. They were all bisexuals back then and loved everybody...Everybody. They broke up. Scott McCombs moved to Colorado and played in a band called CopFat. Todd McCombs Stayed in DC and was in the hit sensation Evil Carrot. They broke up in 1996 because the world was supposed to end. Todd met up with a producer/tollbooth operator named K. Rust. The band formed instantly, and Those Meddling Kids played in the Midwest and toured on a Russian garbage scowl on her maiden voyage through the Arctic Circle. Recording began in 1997 and ended in 1999 when "Good Times Machine" rapped. The extended band included Erik Gantt, Paul Clark, Shawn McNary, and Kevin Lehman. The album has gotten rave reviews and the band managed to turn down a major label. Other labels have turned them down thanks to the antics, tom foolery, shannanagans, and high jinks of K. Rust, the drummer. He was arrested for destroying 17 public bathrooms in detroit three years ago. He always wished he smelled like tuna fish. He is wanted in two states for falling in love with 87-year-olds and stealing their fortune. He tried to kill Scott with a plastic fork during two seperate mixing sessions and is wanted by the Canadian mounties for a series of moose tippings. He was last seen in Texas running from cops due to a slight misunderstanding involving a stolen weather-changing device. He's believed to be dead. The band hopes this is not true and wants to make another album in the near future, despite some of those problems. Scott and Todd have already started recording some new songs that will be realeased on this site in a few months. By the way, my name is Jeff. I take care of them...which isn’t easy. Cause when we met…they tried to suck out my soul.
    Group Members
    Todd McCombs, Scott McCombs, K. Rust.
    Guitars, Bass, Drums, Piano, Mandolin, Cello, voices
    Good Times Machine
    Press Reviews
    "Metusa radico padapa chappa chowa! " -Anakin
    Additional Info
    Quesadas, Evil Carrot, CopFat songs available upon request
    Highlands Ranch, CO - USA

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