Artist description
A combination of punk, rock, and a bit of funk. Straight ahead music with socially conscious and introspective lyrics. |
Music Style
punk rock |
Musical Influences
minor threat, X, bad brains |
Artist History
Three diverse friends who wanted to play out and have fun. A new drummer on our second release (both releases are on one CD) when our original drummer moved. Our goal was simply to write songs, play out, and have fun. We succeeded. |
Group Members
Pat Waara, Jose Faria, Paul Reilly (drummer 1), and Rich Bruning (drummer 2) |
Guitar, bass, drums, vocals |
Play It Safe, World Changes (combined on one CD "Complete") |
Press Reviews
Recorded in Pat Waara's basement on a Sansui 6-track, "... using minimal equipment and whatever mics we could borrow." The sound is very good. Even the drums are punchy and well-recorded. Standard Deviation's sound is a garagey conglomeration of thrash, punk, some funky bass playing and rock'n'roll; and they sing about maintaining integrity and standing up for yourself and stuff like that. And they mix it all up in a way that has some uniqueness. Check 'em out. --Gajoob Magazine |
Rochester, NY - USA |
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