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    Artist description
    Huzyerdady unleashes the rhythmic intensity of acoustic guitars over a backdrop of smooth bass and percussive fury to create the unique yet instantly recognizable sound you like
    Music Style
    Acoustic rock and roll
    Musical Influences
    U2, Talking Heads, Soul Coughing, Victor Wooten, Weezer, Carter Beaufod, Run DMC, and the Backstreet Boys
    Similar Artists
    Barenaked Ladies, They Might Be Giants, and the Backstreet Boys
    Artist History
    Joel Christensen and Jake Millette were freshmen roommates that wrote some songs to pass the time. One fateful afternoon an Indian named Sachin with a Djembe drum started to pound his massive hands to keep the beat. Sina Goldberg, the 3rd Best Bassist in the world had the good fortune to be in French class with Jake. Then from Thursday night Drink-Fests a young lush named Nick Gannon began to unleash his rythmic fury as the new percussionist as Sachin escaped through a hole in the plot. With each member representing a tangible aspect of nature, they decided to give up crime fighting and play music, forever searching for the fifth element and Milla Jovovich.
    Group Members
    Joel Christensen - lead vocals, guitar; Jake Millette - guitar, vocals; Sina Goldberg - bass; Nick Gannon - Percussion (I dont need no stinkin' sticks, sucka!)
    Joel plays a 1979 Ovation Legend guitar on a 1995 Fender re-issue Blues Deville amp, Jake plays a Tacoma Chief on the most powerful Fender amp ever built (by NASA), Sina plays various assortments of Carvin basses on a Cavin amp that will make you 'Shake, shake, shake. Shake, shake, shake. Shake your booty.', Nick plays CP bongos and congas with hands that are products of German engineering and so fast that they need to be tested on the Autobahn.
    "The Sock Demo" release Spring 2000 "Where You At: The Mattress Demo" , "Huzyerdady: Live at the Joint WBRS 101.1 FM Waltham March 1999 (bootleg only, email for a copy)"
    Waltham, MA - USA

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