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    Artist description
    Terra Nova's music is made with voices, string instruments, experimental instruments, and percussion from around the world. These tunes are mostly from our upcoming CD, "Groundswell," and run the gamut from original folk-rock songs to free-form improvisation featuring handcrafted instruments like the Waterphone and the Bug and the Sonic Ray. Individually, we've played swing, folk, rock, experimental and world music. Together, we mix it up, invite the muse, and go with what she brings.
    Music Style
    Alternative Folk
    Musical Influences
    Beatles; Bonnie Raitt; David Grisman; Crosby, Stills & Nash; Pink Floyd; Joni Mitchell and World music
    Similar Artists
    A cross between Outback, CS&N and Pink Floyd
    Artist History
    Terra Nova is a "genre-bending" labor of love, the sum of our continuing individual and collective musical adventures. Three of us (Chip, Sara, and Ted), have played together for 15 years in a variety of acoustic bands. After years of singing traditional folk, swing, and country, we began writing songs that were about our lives and obsessions. At about the same time, we met Richard Waters (the inventor of the Waterphone). He lured us into freeform improvisational jam sessions in a small dark room filled with homemade steel, bamboo, and plastic instruments. Along the way, we hooked up with Drummer/Didj player Peter van Gorder, who was the missing link. The four of us couldn't resist incorporating the sounds and grooves of those "Spacebeat" jams with our original songs. We named the resulting musical confederation Terra Nova--Latin for "New Ground".
    Group Members
    Chip Dunbar, Sara Winge, Ted Dutcher, Peter van Gorder
    Mandolin, violin, octive violin, electric mandocello, acoustic guitar, electric upright bass, trap drums, hand drums, waterphone, Didjeridoo, Bug, various bamboo instruments
    Groundswell, Live Feed
    Sebastopol, CA - USA

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