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    Artist description
    Donna usually performs as a solo, using an acoustic guitar, some effects and her voice. Her songs tend to push the envelope of acoustic music and stylings. Her lyrics speak of relationships, global and more local issues, and the human condition. Sometimes pensive, sometimes humorous, she brings a level of emotion and energy that is not usually associated with acoustic music. Her debut recording "New York City," while acoustically based, brings all the textures and flavors that fill her dreams.
    Music Style
    Acoustically based combination of blues, folk, jazz, rock with a touch or torch
    Musical Influences
    David Bowie, Kansas, Natalie Merchant, Stevie Ray Vaughan
    Similar Artists
    Natalie Merchant, Joni Mitchell, Bonnie Raitt, Debbie Harry
    Artist History
    Donna has been performing in concert and around the state of Florida since 1992. She has won grand prize at three different statewide live performance songwriting contests, and has had three other songs honored by the Will McLean Foundation for songwriting about the state of Florida. Her debut CD, "New York City" was critically favored for its originality and and arrangements. Her second CD, "Sail Beyond the Sunset" is in the mixing stage and has a TBA release date. The new recording is a bit edgier and moodier than "New York City" yet remains melodically and rhythmically pleasing.
    Group Members
    Donna Klein
    Guitar, keyboard (sometimes), voice
    New York City (1997), Sail Beyond the Sunset (release TBA)
    Press Reviews
    "The clear voiced Klein writes sincere songs that put folk music in the context of contemporary music... with jazzy arrangements and creative breaks... recalls some of Joni Mitchell's work..." Jam Entertainment Magazine, Orlando FL (USA) "Donna Klein offers up a tour de force of songwriting talent which is translated to the listener in an ear-pleasing style which can only be described as Dynamic Folk. "Remnants of sixties rock, backstreet blues, and speakeasy torch songs all find their way into this savory mixture ... and it is impossible to imagine a better vehicle for them than Ms Klein's impelling voice. "There is More to Love Than Words" is Fantastic! "New York City is pure listening enjoyment from beginning to end!" --- Barry Shell - Curator The Treecastle Music Gallery, Clayton, GA, USA "... It's more hip than easy listening, and more listenable than hard rock, inviting the audience to come back for more ... a crystal clear, supple voice and a strong acoustic guitar style ... forms the backbone of this album. In this age of indecipherable lyrics and ear-shattering volume, Klein's music is an oasis of civilization that hasn't forgotten its folk roots." --- Sunny Johnson - Taft, CA, USA
    St. Petersburg, Florida - USA

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