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    Artist description
    P.S. REVIEW Dimitris DIVINE DREAMS Pentagon Records (1999) Time: 53:25 Bill Binkelman Editor and Publisher WIND AND WIRE The Magazine of New Instrumental Music This electronic keyboard-based release is quite varied in emotional tone, tempo, and melody, and should appeal to fans of artists like Chris Spheeris, Yanni and Suzanne Ciani (circa Hotel Luna). You should infer, since this artist is named Dimitris and the three artists mentioned above are from either Greece or Italy, that the music has a Mediterranean feel to it. In addition, it bears some resemblance to Vangelis' work when the latter is at his more neo-romantic. Dimitris has a solid command of his keyboards, both from a rhythmic standpoint and also from the aspect of mixing up lush washes, delicate melodies, and lively chord progressions. I loved the sweeping grandeur of "Divine Dreams of Love" which echoes some of Yanni's more recent work. Not everything on the CD is overtly neo-romantic, though. Some of this has a quasi-Vangelis texture to it, if not even spacier textures (e.g. "Inner Pulse"). There's a little whimsy here as well ("Nostalgia") as well as forays into more progressive EM fields ("Echoes"). Overall, Dimitris succeeds remarkably well in touching many bases and maintaining a high standard for composition, as well as performance. Many of the songs on Divine Dreams are memorable and your CD player's "repeat" button might get a work-out, I'd wager. Some listeners may be frustrated that some of the better songs here (and there are eighteen of them!) are quite short, i.e. under three-minutes (e.g. the somber "Oblivion" and the moody "Destiny"). Also, there is one small mis-step on the album, an attempt at a neo-jazz piece, a la Richard Bone, called "Jazzen." It's not necessarily bad, but it's jarringly out of place amidst the rest of what's here (especially since it sits in the middle of the disc). On balance, though, I definitely recommend this recording to fans of the artists I referenced. Divine Dreams is ambitious, well-done, and contains some very lovely music. - Bill Binkelman - copyright WIND AND WIRE, 1999 Press Release 'Divine Dreams' is the latest CD release from Dimitris, new age composer, pianist, poet, performer and medical doctor, based in Athens, Greece. The music fits in the genre of New Age/World/Instrumental and combines traditional ancient and rare instruments (like santour and nei) with synthesizers, samplers and sounds from nature. Music for Dimitris is like wordless speech, characterized by purity, warmth and clarity. This musical narration sways between quiet melodies and radiant outpourings offering the listener a glimpse of freedom, calmness and serenity. As said by the composer, 'Divine Dreams' are "musical memories of a forgotten inner reality, devoted to everyone searching for the deeper meaning of life, piercing the mask of external phenomenon". A portion of the proceeds of 'Divine Dreams' supports research on Alternative Medicine. Total duration: 53' 30" Musical instruments: keyboards, piano, harp, santour, nei, various synthesizers and samplers, drums, percussion, nature sounds. For more information, please contact: Mrs Demi Papagianni Managing Director Pentagon Records e-mail: Tel: +30-94-444696 Fax: +301-7782126 38 Kifisias ave., 115 26 Athens Greece Europe
    Music Style
    Instrumental, New Age, World music,
    Musical Influences
    Classical music,
    Similar Artists
    Enigma, Kitaro, Vangelis, Yanni, Suzanne Ciani, Chris Spheeris,
    Artist History
    Dimitris' 'DIVINE DREAMS' FOR LATEST NEWS CHECK: BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION Dr. Dimitris Mavromatis is a new age composer, pianist, performer and medical doctor based in Athens, Greece. He has studied piano and music theory from the age of twelve and has composed his first composition when he was thirteen years old. From that age on, he never stopped composing and performing music. Friends call him 'music machine'. The volume and quality of his compositions transcend and combine every aspect of music. He has also studied medicine at the University of Athens and he did post-graduated studies in the fields of Family Medicine, Homeopathy and Acupuncture at the European Center for Peace and Development (founded by the United Nations). He has extensively traveled in Europe and in India to broaden his perspective on life and to enrich his life experience, trying to understand the culture and the music of the world. Currently, he devotes most of his time composing and performing music. THE MUSIC Music for Dimitris is like wordless speech, characterized by purity, warmth and clarity. This musical narration touches the heart of every listener, travelling him to the source of inspiration and offering a glimpse of freedom. From quiet meditations to radiant outpourings, music helps people release their emotions, leaving them with a feeling of calmness and serenity. His first release, 'Focal Point' gained international distribution through a Greek recording company. Dimitris is currently working to produce a CD-PLUS combining innovative music with information on Alternative Medicine and various topics on healthful living. His second release, 'Divine Dreams' on Pentagon Records, combines electronic up tempo compositions with traditional instruments like santour (one of the first musical instruments in the world) and nei. Contact Address: 'Pentagon Records' 38 Kifissias Ave., 115 26 Athens, Greece Tel: 003094444696, Fax: 003017782126
    Group Members
    Equipment used: Synths and Samplers Akai S-2000 with extensive library Kurzweil K-2000 Alesis S4 Yamaha AN1x SampleCell 2 Computer programs and software synths Steinberg Cubase VST with many plug-ins Sound Forge Cool Edit Pro Generator Steinberg WaveLab Multitracks Akai MG14D with ML14 Autolocator Alesis ADAT Consoles Soundcraft Spirit Studio 16-8-2 Mackie 12-2 Effects-Compressors Quadraverb GT Lexicon LXP-1 Symetrix 425 Plug-ins too numerous to mention Sony DAT Yamaha CDR Yamaha NS10M Studio monitors Computer-Soundcards Pentium II 333, ADB Pro 18 Event Darla 2-8, SampleCell 2 Sample Playback card Motu Midi Interface
    Piano, Santour, Various samplers and synths,
    Focal Point, Divine Dreams
    Press Reviews
    Reviews from the local press for Dimitris' 'Divine Dreams' (Music and Life, eXtra, Seven) "…I felt awe, the magnitude of your music was spread, revealing a silent power and the extent of your inner roving… you seem so sad though released, so desperate though serene, so alone though strong and happy, so great though humble… I can feel every sensation inside your music, from the fear of death to the joy of life, from the silent grief and loneliness to the absolute freedom…thank you for revealing a world of harmony and beauty…" listener anonymous '…when you first listen to Dimitris' music, you have the strange feeling of a "déjà vu", that you have already hear it somewhere, somehow before. Soaring in heaven or immersing into melancholy, this music definitely impresses your mind for a long, long time…" '…this talented composer will, according to our opinion, continue the tradition of the "first-name-only" Greek composers of modern, new-age, instrumental music…" '…you will have to listen to the tracks of 'Divine Dreams' over and over again in order to find your beloved one…' '…from now on, we expect from Dimitris more surprises and we welcome him to the big new-age music family…' '…not a "me-too-addition" to the vast field of modern instrumental music, but truly inspired and visioned…strongly recommended…' Pentagon Records e-mail: Tel: 0030-94-444696, Fax: 00301-7782126, 38 Kifisias ave., 115 26 Athens Greece
    Athens, Attiki - Greece

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