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    Artist description
    popgressive, fearless, inventive, sonically diverse rock and roll is what R4 strives for, and what it produces. the music ventures out of standard time signatures, digresses in melodic disarray, falls apart within its own arrangement... and yet somehow manages to preserve the pop sense intrisic in their organic songwriting. but perhaps one of the most critical elements setting them apart from their indie peers is their willingness to redefine themselves as they go along - constant rediscovery in the endless exploration process. the result is fresh, intelligent ear candy coated with perspective.
    Music Style
    indie rock
    Musical Influences
    stereolab, built to spill, aphex twin, madonna, buffalo daughter, money mark, the beatles, helium, elliot smith
    Similar Artists
    pavement, built to spill
    Artist History
    formed in early 1997 as "radio 4" the band began to appear at various L.A. nightclubs including moguls, the alligator lounge, the raven, and others. they enjoyed recording as much as they enjoyed playing live, their first official 5-song demo (self-produced in a valley living room/makeshift 8-track studio) was a hit amongst local fans and friends. with the stress of dealing with a new band with the same name combined with sereral other issues, R4 have recently parted ways. the last few songs they recorded as well as some old favorites are stored here for your enjoyment.
    Group Members
    r1: micah calabrese r2: anh quach r3: david franklin r4: kangmin shin. past members include: r5: ryan grgurich r6: josh klinghoffer
    wurlitzer electric piano, roland analog synth, gretch guitar, fender strat, fender jazz bass, vox ac-50, fender twin reverb, sonar drums, orange shaker, tamborine
    "i'm peeing micah (it's about the prom)" b/w "lick" cassingle 1997. 5-song cassette demo 1997. self-titled 6-song demo tape 1998. "guess it's over" from the "sidewalk chalk adventure" 7" compilation (kittridge records)
    Press Reviews
    "they're great" -scott kanberg, pavement
    Additional Info
    where are they now? david (r3) has finished college and is spending 6 months in the UK keeping a low-profile. kangmin (r4) is in school and passes time listening to classic music as well as gangsta rap, anh (r2) currently resides in SF with his fiancee, and cat SCSI , micah (r1) rakes in big $$ as a full time web programmer with his friends and bandmates going stagg.
    Northridge, CA - USA

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