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    Artist description
    I think my music is a nice blend of dance, techno, complex electronic, and deep thought. I try to write catchy songs (at least catchy to me) that are still complex and a little experimental. I get inspiration from so many places other than music so its hard to put it in musical terms. I hate describing things. Just listen to the songs. If you like them you like them. If not, i'm sorry I suck.
    Music Style
    Intelligent Electronic
    Musical Influences
    I try to spawn my music from the little things that make me human. I take all my emotions, and everything I hear, feel, see, touch, and taste and mix them in a blender. Thats the music. Then I add in rocks and nails and thats what makes the beats. Finally, I steal Bill Cosby's Picture Pages pen and throw that in. That's what makes the lyrics, if any. you try.
    Similar Artists
    Aphex Twin, Meat Beat Manifesto, Caustic Window, Front Line Assembly, Skinny Puppy.
    Artist History
    I started Peter Human when I was 18. My parents gave my a computer and I stole a crappy MIDI program from a friend. In three years I wrote about forty songs. They were all under four minutes and they sounded like random beeps and clicks (my sound card sucked). I made tapes and gave them to my friends but none of them really liked it. Looking back I think those songs sounded good, in a funny way. I eventually want to put them on this site. Anyway, a year ago I got my hands on Acid, the program not the drug. Along with that and a bunch of other programs I started writing more professional sounding stuff. I recieved a way better response and now i'm on this website. The name came from a drunken session with my friend Seth. We were trying to name an S&M mask I just bought. We came up with Peter Human. I don't get whats so funny either anymore.
    Group Members
    Jason Caldarera - Programming
    Computers and keyboards.
    New Orleans, Louisiana - USA

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