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HarpSong (Harp & Flute)

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    Artist description
    HarpSong is a flute and harp duo made up of the talents of Jennifer Grady (flute) and Karen Almquist (harp and soprano). The duo performs throughout the greater Willamette Valley of Oregon. HarpSong performs a variety of styles including Celtic and Folk , as well as Classical, Popular, and Holiday music. Included in their repertoire, the duo includes a number of original pieces and arrangements, many of which are published by ALRY Publications in Charlotte, North Carolina.
    Music Style
    Classical, Celtic-influenced, folk, new-age, easy listening.
    Musical Influences
    We both are really moved by music that touches the heart and speaks to the soul.
    Artist History
    HarpSong was established in the summer of 1995.
    Group Members
    Aside from HarpSong, Jennifer Grady has performed with a number of flute ensembles, including High F'lutin, the Olympia Flute Choir, Intermezzo, and The Oregon Flute Quartet. Her compositions and arrangements have been performed at the Northwest Composers and Arrangers Concerts and at several conventions of The National Flute Association. She is published by ALRY Publications in Charlotte, NC. In 1998 - 2001, Jennifer performed with the Professional Flute Choir for the NFA conventions held in Phoenix, Atlanta, Columbus, and Dallas. In May of 2000, she toured England and Wales as a member of the American Flute Orchestra. Jennifer recorded two CDs in 2001 with The National Flute Choir. Since joining with Karen to form HarpSong in 1995, the duo has performed extensively throughout the greater Willamette Valley of Oregon.Karen Almquist graduated from the University of Oregon with a Bachelor of Music Education degree and from Western Oregon State College with a Master of Music Education degree. Karen has taught music in the Oregon public schools and now maintains a very active studio in her home of private harp, voice, and piano students.Karen freelances as a soprano, organist, and harpist in the greater Willamette Valley of Oregon. She studied harp with Marion Fouse and has performed with the Salem Chamber Orchestra, the Salem ConcertBand, Salem Pops Orchestra, Marylhurst Orchestra, Music on the Mount, and Britt Festival Orchestra. Karen has been a featured soloist at the Oregon Garden and has performed with the orchestra for celebrity Bernadette Peters.The duo has released three CDs, "Sean's Dance", "Noël", and "The River".
    Flute, harp, soprano.
    "Noel", "Sean's Dance", "The River", "A Garden Wedding"
    Silverton, Oregon - USA

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