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    Artist description
    "ludlow are an Irish quartet who play slow tempo Roots music. Their vision of Emo-Americana is blessed with otherworldly noise loops, rustic instrumentation, innovative arrangements, and a singer who's soulful, whispered vocals add a heavenly layer of atmosphere to the band's already gossamer sound." - (December 1999) "Combines traditional influences with a flair for experimentation. Very moody and emotive." - (February 2000)
    Music Style
    lo-fi indiecountrypunkwaltzes
    Musical Influences
    Gram Parsons, Mark Linkous, Neil Young & Crazy Horse, Johnny Marr, Breece D'J Pancake, Hank Williams, John Lennon, Uncle Tupelo, Replacements, Cormac McCarthy
    Similar Artists
    We're not sure , but we've been told - Wilco, Sparklehorse, Screaming Trees, Sebadoh, Neil Young, Pavement, Uncle Tupelo, Smog, Palace, Will Oldham, Roger Waters, Pink Floyd and of course Elvis!
    Group Members
    Kieran Calvert - Guitars & Sequencing; Ronan Considine - Bass & Backing Vocals; Doug Murray - Drums & Piano; Barra - Guitars, Vocals & Banjo
    Acoustic & Electric Guitars, Drums, Bass, Computer, Banjo, Fan Heater , Creaky Old Chair, Radio
    Press Reviews
    ludlow, Live at The Warehouse: "I wonder where Barra O'Toole came up with the name "ludlow". Doesn't it conjure up images of a 19th century industrial town from a Dickens novel? Alternatively you could stick an "F.C." in front of it and you could have a hard grafting semi-pro football team from Poland who'll narrowly scrape past Cork City in the Inter Toto Cup next season. ludlow the band however have a lot more to offer than the gloom of Dickensian England or the mediocrity of the Polish league. They've taken Barra's well known ability to craft a song, which until now we've only heard rendered on an acoustic guitar by Barra solo, and given that ability an extra dimension to work with, the transistion from being acoustic guitar driven to a full band driven performance has been, on this display, smooth to the point of effortless. It was hard to believe that this band have been together for such a short time such was the precision of their delivery. Songs like 'Ripped', or particularily their penultimate tune 'Crash', could be sparse and almost whispered in one moment, and explode powerfully into a chorus or instrumental break the next. The explosions were always controlled though by the subtle strokes of Doug Murray's percussion and the calming influence of Barra's vocals. It's early days yet for ludlow but already they're displaying huge potential. I'll be intrigued to hear a recording soon." - Drop Magazine
    Limerick - Ireland

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