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    Artist description
    J.C. plays most of the instruments on this c.d. with few studio musicians. He also did all the vocals. He's quite talented and produced as well as engineered these songs.
    Music Style
    Progressive pop-(and beyond...)
    Musical Influences
    Henry Purcell, King Crimson, Beatles, J.S. Bach and Red Hot Chili Peppers,etc...
    Similar Artists
    Beatles, David Bowie, King Crimson, Frank Zappa,etc....
    Artist History
    New York City musician and songwriter Josh Charles has released an enjoyable and diverse collection of what he calls "progressive pop". As the promo sheet says, "Imagine the vocals of the Beatles filtered through King Crimson and the Moody Blues with a dash of Captain Beefheart and Frank Zappa eccentricity to spice things up".
    Group Members
    JC is presently "re-grouping" in the land of J.C. Bosco... (though continuing to record a 2nd Bosco CD) and is presently working with Sheldon Forrest-(keyboards)...
    Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Drums, Lead and backing vocals, percussive allsorts..
    A Positive Flow-(the start of J.C. Bosco) & a 2nd c.d. pending...
    Press Reviews
    REVIEW FROM AURAL INNOVATIONS.COM: Overall, the music on "A Positive Flow" travels in numerous directions making it difficult to pinpoint a trademark Bosco sound. But I'm a fan of diversity as along as there's a sense of coherence and Josh has succeeded in this regard. In fact, there is a feeling of continuity from one track to the next, almost as if a story is being told... After a whimsical intro bit we hear "Dollar Bills", a tune that is catchy but backed by an instrumental complexity that gives a progressive kick to the Bosco "Pop". I also like the overall raw sound of the music that simultaneously makes good use of the studio and it's possibilities. (Also see "Progression" and "Progsheet" in the links section-- i.e. issue #36 in Progression Mag.,etc.)
    Additional Info
    As well as J.C. Bosco, keep an eye out for other bands such as "The Charles/Forrest duo" & "The Big Bovasso Band"..
    New York City, NY - USA

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