Artist description
Currently the band is formed of one person, tim. He has performed with Washington, an earlier version of dtp, and other various bands. |
Music Style
Emo indie, with a taste of folk |
Musical Influences
Pedro the Lion, Appleseed Cast, Juliana Theory, Joe Christmas |
Similar Artists
none, different altogether |
Artist History
This is only the beta release of {.d.t.p.}.All sound files were recorded on a computer ina dorm room. He hopes to go in to the studio inthe Spring of 2000, but this is a way of gettingimmense feedback. |
Group Members
Currently, {.d.t.p.} is only one member, andit may or not remain that way. Different friendsand members of other bands fill in during concertson drums, bass, second guitar.... |
acoustic guitar |
none at this time |
Press Reviews
none at this time. |
Charleston, SC - USA |
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