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    Artist description
    Shadowbug 4 is a project by Randy Greif, best known for his six-hour-long psycho-atmospheric setting of Alice In Wonderland (soon to be reissued by Soleilmoon) as well as his recently released triple compact disc collaboration with Robin Storey (Rapoon) and Nigel Ayers (Nocturnal Emissions).
    Music Style
    Artist History
    In a career spanning 20 years Greif has released a dozen CDs, a pair of albums and countless cassettes, which taken together comprise a magnum opus of abstract electronic atmospheres. Frequently his music incorporates the human voice, often deconstructed and thoroughly recontextualized. Usually his music is dark and pathological, and many of his compositions have incorporated ethnic or tribal music that Greif recorded or heard in his travels.
    Group Members
    Use Soleilmoon's toll free fon # to order this compact disc 1 800 678 6886
    Press Reviews
    Shadowbug 4 is a project by Randy Greif, best known for his six-hour-long psycho-atmospheric setting of Alice In Wonderland (soon to be reissued by Soleilmoon) as well as his recently released triple compact disc collaboration with Robin Storey (Rapoon) and Nigel Ayers (Nocturnal Emissions). In a career spanning 20 years Greif has released a dozen CDs, a pair of albums and countless cassettes, which taken together comprise a magnum opus of abstract electronic atmospheres. Frequently his music incorporates the human voice, often deconstructed and thoroughly recontextualized. Usually his music is dark and pathological, and many of his compositions have incorporated ethnic or tribal music that Greif recorded or heard in his travels. "Tiny Voices Of Love And Fear" continues his exploration of sonic introversion with a disturbing set of pieces, many of which layer cut-up or altered voices with electronics. Some of the tracks are rhythmic while others keep to a more ambient pace. Titles such as "Room With Voice", "Breather", and "You Can Come Down" offer a hint at the type of isolated emotional impact of the music.
    West Hills, California - USA

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