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    Artist description
    What if you could hear individual grains of pollen as they fell to the ground? What would it sound like if they landed on a bee's wing? What does the evaporation of water sound like? Imagine sound at the level of individual dust particles, of objects so small that their sonic properties are 100 times below the threshold of human hearing.These imperceptible sounds are the inspiration for Laminar. "Ante-chamber" explores the emergent properties of sound using techniques of non-standard synthesis and sound transformation. Acoustic material is fed into an aural thrashing machine, producing completely unpredictable results.The original, underlying structure is derived from sampled transient phenomena, turbulent noise components and innumerable microscopic events. Through the use of iterative wavetable distortion, Laminar creates an environment in which 2nd-order sonorities emerge for the duration of the sound. In creating extreme soundscapes, Laminar works on a continuum running from order to disorder to chaos, all the while blurring the separation of sound and structure. The result -- hectic, explosive sound gestures alternating with dense states of slack comprised of microscopic events -- taps the fundamental physicality of sound.
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    Press Reviews
    What if you could hear individual grains of pollen as they fell to the ground? What would it sound like if they landed on a bee's wing? What does the evaporation of water sound like? Imagine sound at the level of individual dust particles, of objects so small that their sonic properties are 100 times below the threshold of human hearing.These imperceptible sounds are the inspiration for Laminar. "Ante-chamber" explores the emergent properties of sound using techniques of non-standard synthesis and sound transformation. Acoustic material is fed into an aural thrashing machine, producing completely unpredictable results.The original, underlying structure is derived from sampled transient phenomena, turbulent noise components and innumerable microscopic events. Through the use of iterative wavetable distortion, Laminar creates an environment in which 2nd-order sonorities emerge for the duration of the sound. In creating extreme soundscapes, Laminar works on a continuum running from order to disorder to chaos, all the while blurring the separation of sound and structure. The result -- hectic, explosive sound gestures alternating with dense states of slack comprised of microscopic events -- taps the fundamental physicality of sound.
    New York City, New York - USA

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