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    Artist description
    Skullnumbing,hardhitting,orgasmic yet sensual and emotional dark goth-industrial electrocore.Different music for different people.The dreamy heavenly transient portion of a gore-filled nightmare,like the result of a poetic mumbling while in a daze from the darker side of emotion.Combine heartpumping electronic beats and obscure samples with eerie vocals and crunchy overdriven guitars,throw it in a meat grinder,and out comes the sick and twisted world of Glitch.A bonecrushing 2 piece project ascending from the darkest corner of Dixie,Birmingham,Al
    Music Style
    Goth-Industrial experimental electro metal
    Artist History
    Glitch formed in June 1997 and released their first 12 song self-recorded demo within a few months.In November they released a 6 song EP produced by Jason Elgin at Synchromesh Studios in Birmingham.Around 1500 copies have been distributed.Since the time of the recording,Glitch has toured extensively throughout the South promoting their music and theatrical live show.You'll never know what to expect from them live.Fire-blowing jugglers,belly dancers with power tools,fire,sparks,candles and television sets litter the foggy stage,displaying distorted figures and erratic images of flesh-eating insects.They have shared the bill with such acts as Hate Department,Soilent Green,Crisis,Pigface,God Lives Underwater,Choke,U.S. Maple,I-45,SMP,and Luxt,just to name a few.In the summer and fall of 98'Glitch was invited to partake in the side project"Private Hell 66" with members of MFU,HBC,and Pigface.They recorded a 4 song EP at Progressive Studios in Nashville,Tn.The recording was engineered by Kenny Hasty in the same studio Elvis Presley recorded "Heartbreak Hotel".Once again they were back on the road to tour the South.Both Glitch and Private Hell 66 have been included on a Head Sick Rekords compilation entitled "1999 Head Sick Compilation Vol.1-one year till...[to be continued]".The widely distributed CD[2000]copies]was put together by Third Degree's Mike Brizendine and features bands from all over the U.S. and Switzerland.Yhey are soon to be included on compilations from Blacklight Records and Broken Note Records.In December of 98' they were home for Christmas and played 2 Toys for Tots benefit shows at Ramp n' Speed Skatepark in Birmingham,Al which served as a rehearsal space for Glitch and PH66 for over a year.In the spring of 99',Glitch finished their third recording entitled "Imitating Moves From Canvas Screen".The CD is more intricate and complex than their previous works,due to spending more time recording and being more knowledgeable about the recording process.The summer of 99' was spent touring the south and Texas.They are soon to be on the road again promoting their new release.Check your local listings or the official Glitch Homepage for shows near you.
    Group Members
    guitar,lungs,midi equipment,power tools,and whatever else is around
    Imitating moves from canvas screen
    Press Reviews
    The following is a review of the 1997 self-titled EP."The term "Industrial" is much used and abused,covering anything from sounscapes to bad metal with a drum machine.Glitch sit somewhere in the middle,neatly twisted and rarely obvious.The first song "Lunge" is conventional fare,whilst "Waste" is more percussive and dark,with the vocals of Christian having a demonic edge,before a really nasty riff begins to grow.The use of sample is good and they fall into the "where in the hell did you get that from?" category from the man who wants to pour boubon on his lover's body,to the drunk pissing in your navel at the end.Yep,it's apparent that Glitch have a good future ahead of them."-Ian Webster,Death to Dead Things Ezine
    Birmingham, Alabama - USA

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