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    Artist description
    Michelle Cross is a Chicago artist, currently supporting her five song demo release, My Name is not Cinderella. This powerful collection of piano based songs features Michelle on piano and vocals, Matt Walker (drummer for The Smashing Pumpkins, Filter and the Cupcakes) on drums, session bass player extraordinaire Rafe Bradford, Mathew Prock on guitar, and Chicago Symphony Orchestra cellist Michael Duggan. Classically trained on the piano, Michelle's songs have a structure that allows them to develop and build while never losing the interest of the listener. Each song has a distinct identity, crossing the boundaries of pop, world, classical, and alternative music, with a melodic edge that catches and makes you want to hear more. Michelle's lyrics are deep and profound, which she captures with her emotion charged singing. Overall her style has a dark and melancholy feel to it that creates an epic soundscape of music and emotions.
    Music Style
    Piano based pop rock
    Musical Influences
    George Winston, Eurithmics, PJ Harvey, Tori Amos
    Similar Artists
    PJ Harvey, Tori Amos
    Artist History
    Michelle has been performing around the Chicago area for the last few years. Visit for more details.
    Group Members
    Michelle Cross, piano/vocals; Michael Duggan, cello; Rafe Bradford, bass; Matt Walker, drums; Mathew Prock, guitar
    piano, cello, bass, drums, guitar
    My Name Is Not Cinderella
    Press Reviews
    "SushiQueen" was the #1 Editor's pick for October of 1999 on Brianna Mewborn, "I can't be any more excited about this album then I was when I went to my first Tori Amos concert. Michelle has an intoxicating and soothing voice that puts me in an euphoric trance. Her vocal and piano playing style just mesmerizes me. True talent that empowered my normal shy personality to review it and write Michelle a personal email. Just lovely." Excert from interview with Rick Kogan on WGN Radio on Aug. 8, 1999 "Ladies and gentleman... it is my extreme pleasure to be able to give to you the same feeling of excitement I felt the first time I listened to Michelle's CD. This is an artist with talent, and her music blows me away. Michelle's CD is one of the most exciting CD's I've heard in a long time, and I've heard a lot. I'm happy to be able to play these songs for you now, because I expect we'll be hearing a lot from her in the future." Review from Johnny Sandlin (Allman Brothers' producer throughout the 70's and 80's) at "[I've] got to say, Michelle, you have a wonderful voice. I enjoyed it. I like the sense of humor with the song and the song structure. That sounds like it could be a radio record. I think that you're on to something. I like the arrangement. I like the sense and the cello and just the whole thing. I think you got it going on for you. That's such a great voice. It's just, when you hear a voice like that, it's very inspiring for... Well, for anybody, but especailly for a producer (like me)." "SushiQueen" wins the's August 2000 Final Countdown is a "best of the unsigned bands" site. The winner is determined by the reviews of music listeners who listen to the songs randomly from a database of over 15,000 songs. Review from Kylee Nelson, of Jeff Buckley tribute performance at Uncommon Ground on Nov. 17, 2001 "In a bold, manner, Cross was able to leave everyone present dazzled and captivated. Accompanied with only a keyboard, Cross effectively reached the sensual substance of the songs, performing them with a sullenness and naivety that could only be embraced."
    Chicago, Il - USA

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