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    Artist description
    18 kids from Anne Darling Elementary School that love music and technology.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Similar Artists
    Steve Reich, Lucinda Williams, Street Shouters, Wildman Fisher
    Artist History
    Started in September 1999. Recorded first track in October 1999. Still working on our history. We are boys and girls grades 2-5 who love life and sharing it.
    Group Members
    David, Alejandra, Wyatt, Angela, Kevin, Cassandra, Cassie, Sandra, and other shy friends.
    Whatever we can find, from garbage cans to Casios.
    This is our first =:-)
    Press Reviews
    More... MP3 Video Kids watch the story While many kids are watching MTV and listening to their favorite CDs, we caught up with a local after-school program where kids are making their own music come alive. And no adults required! You're looking at a music video created entirely by kids. And we mean that literally. They sang it, they shot it, they edited it thanks to one pretty amazing school program. "My goal at the beginning was just to introduce children to technology," says tech instructor Richard Soos. One day, Soos was explaining how a compact disc works in his after-school program when his students decided they wanted to make one, too. The group of third through fifth graders at Anne Darling Elementary in San Jose composed 30 songs under the band name "School Kids." They digitized each song and sent the music files to, who in turn posted the entire collection online. Today, you can visit and download free "School Kids" samples or order their whole CD for $10.00. And, Soos says, helping kids with virtually no music backgrounds is truly rewarding work: "Transferring it from here to the Internet, then finding out that people around the world are listening to their work, it's exciting for them, they love it." But a song is just a song, so the singer/songwriters are taking the next step -- as video stars with a digital camera and a lot of energy, just like they really do it in the music biz. Today's shoot? A video for their toe-tappin' song "Danceability." First, it's out to the lawn for some jumpin' and jivin'. They're a little disorganized, but they're having a lot of fun. Back in the computer lab, everybody looks at the footage and decides what stays and what goes, and what needs to be re-shot. It's obviously fun for his students, but Soos also sees real educational benefits here: "There's so many skills involved -- writing, performing, putting it on the computer, being able to see what it looks like on the computer." Using a program called Avid Videoshop, the "School Kids" have learned to edit their own music videos. They might not know all the right "official" terms yet, but they can edit just the same. "The video program, I showed them once how to do it," says Soos. "They know the cut and paste concept from word processing. So once they saw a cut and paste, okay, it was really easy for them to transfer those skills over." The "School Kids" plan to make videos for every song off their debut album. It's great experience for the future videographers, and a surefire way to drive CD sales up, too! - Sarah Lane, KRON TV
    San Jose, CA - USA

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