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Clayton O'Howe -

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    Artist description
    Claytunes is a solo composer creating a unique form of experimental music. Combining sequences, sound f/x's and traditional instruments. Styles include Orchestral, Latin, World Beat, Medieval, Tech-no, Dance, Ambient, Avant-Guard, Reggea, Hip Hop, Jazz-Rock and Soundtracks.
    Music Style
    All Styles, My Style. I don't stick to any styles, I like to try them all out.
    Musical Influences
    All Music, all sounds, no music, no sounds. Tull, Yes, Gentle Giant, Zappa, King Crimson, Moody Blues, Pink Floyd,
    Similar Artists
    Jan Hammer, Vangelis, Yanni, Bob Marley, Mike Oldfield,
    Artist History
    Warning! This CD may blowup your crappy speakers.If you do not have sufficient extreme low end enforced reproduction capability, than try headphonesThere is some serious bottom end on this album (CD), and unfortunately not everyone has a good stereo.Too bad for you, but don't fret, you are all invited to my house to listen any time you want. {see e-mail url}.This has really turned out to be more of a engineering project than I thought it would have, much to my delight I might say. This CD was mixed for Dolby Prologic © Sorround Sound, set at the " Hall" setting,with back speakers set to about 7, set volume at 79%. Good headphones work as well.I guess you can listen to them on your PC with your little tiny low-fi squeaky speakers,but they are intended to be heard using speakers that reproduce very low frequencies.I'd like to think I color my tunes with unusual auditory textures and unexplored ambiance(ambieahtic) landscapes, woven with your ordinary traditional, "pleasant to the peasant" sounds. It is uninhabited.A collage of frequencies.Depthdefieing.Here, have a hit on this first.......This CD is dedicated to all the musicians I've ever played with.It is only that you are not here that I could do this.This CD -Clayton O'Howe -Claytunes- is not for sale or resale, except for on the Internet.If someone has sold you this CD, THEY ARE CRIMINALS and or Republicans.This pre-mentioned CD is only available from the author by means of, the system of bartering.The bartering will be done only by the author, and all trades are final, no refunds. The following is a list of material and concepts that can be used to barter with:TobaccoGasolinePotWashing my carImmortalitySex (Not yet available in Canada)Yard work (my yard)The phrase, "PSSSSS, hey buddy do know where I can get any Claytunes CD'sBeersSpace travelStimulating conversationClothingMake my day (negotiable)KnowledgeFood (no dead animals, or their by-products please)The "Secret of Life" Anything, Beatlesor ZappaFlowers Trips to faraway landsLegal woodA small freezerProof of God, or aliensMedical services, human & animal (certified)Peace By receiving this CD (Clayton O'Howe- Claytunes) and listening to any part of it, you agree to become an authorized dealer for this CD (Clayton O'Howe- Claytunes), and are bound by the rules of fair* trade that has existed for thousands of years on this planet, and is now made even more possible with computer technology.Which means, you have the power and the technology to steal and resell.If that is your intentions, you have my permission, please send me ¾ of it, you can keep the rest (Such a deal).Send cheque or money order or cash(U$ Funds please), made payable to: Clayton O'Howe*fair= A place where, cows and pigs compete for ribbons and prizes.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Is This What You Want:Clayton: Rhodes Piano, Piano, All keyboards, Vocals, Percussion, Electric Guitars, WaterIvan: Drums..........Jiggy Jiggy:A Russian dance song, a Jig of sortsClayton: Acoustic Guitars, Electric Guitar with whammy bar, Fender Bass, Percussion, Keyboards. Ivan: Drums|........................................Iconoclastafarian:2000Ivan: DrumsClayton: Acoustic Guitars, Fretless Bass, Percussion, Keyboards.Midi Instrument Sounds, were composed on a music staff of sorts (Cakewalk)& or(*Fruity Loops), on the PC by Clayton.The guitar tracks were recorded with a $25 standard PC mic.---------------------------------------------------------------Syllabus:2000Composed entirely on Fruity Loops by- Clayton.Mostly a drum & bass ditty.-------------------------------------------------------Etude Avec Moi:2000Ivan: DrumsClayton: Fretless Bass, Acoustic Guitar($25 mic), Percussion, Keyboards.Midi Instrument Sounds, was composed on a music staff of sorts also (Cakewalk).Vancouver Is. Boggie---------------------------------------------------------------Latin Opus#17.8:2000Ivan: Drums Clayton: Fender Bass, Acoustic Guitars, Electric guitars, Piano, All Midi Sounds played on cheesy keyboard#, Percussion & Weather & Allsorts. #The first song no sequences, the first song I got to show off my lame keyboard skills for the horns, pizzicato stings, piano, strings, clarinet, flute(some flute was modified, )--------------------------------------------------------------------Beatin' Off:1999Get your mind out of the gutter.Music, beats, get it!Disco-ClaySamples, samples, samples, Voices.Watch Out.--------------------------------Scams & Dental Medications:1999Ivan: DrumsClayton: Fender and Fretless basses, Sounds, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals & Voices, Percussion, Sequences, Keyboards.---------------------------------------------------------------------Ravaged-Utopia:1999I have know idea how I did this song.Lots of Sequences no dought and beer, lots of beer.Sounds like the soundtrack for a movie, duh.--------------------------------------------Tundra Trudging:1999I have know idea how I did this song either.Lots of Sequences no dought, and beer and pot, lots if pot, way more pot than I've ever seen, boy there's a lot of pot around here sometimes.Sounds like the soundtrack for a drug movie eh!, duh.------------------------------------------------I really have to give thankz to Ivan* my drummer and collaborator(he comes in and does the drum tracks when I'm sleeping), without his beats, I'd just be a string quartet with a drunken horn section, and horny rhythm section.*Ivan is a seq. but don't tell Clayton.............................All the M.I.D.I tunes that I wrote were composed on a musical staff (insert staff here*).These were the first songs I recorded, in my infancy on the PC.If you can imagine how Beethoven or Bach wrote music (if you can't, they wrote it on a piece of paper* by themselves, scoring all the different instrument lines, then they would round up the band to see what it sounded like together. That's how I did these songs. But I just clicked on each note that I wanted to play on a musical staff on a PC screen, no different then the old guys, just a quicker response on how it sounded. (you all know how hard is to get a drummer to come to practice, not to mention horn players and those lazy ass xylophone players).No sampled music from other people here.Are you tired of listening to all that Pre_programed synth crap,Random Ambient Disco Music Generators.Wow, I've listened to about 33 different bands on and I've come to the conclusion that, sequenencers and drum machines are just as dangerous and deadly as GUNS and Republacrats. These peoples "descriptions" of their songs far out way the actual songs themselves. One guys description was " this track is hauntingly beautiful and mysterious with a solid groove. The beat is designed to induce a trance, therefore the changes are subtle. The lyrics are based on ancient Egyptian texts. Higher energy portals open when this song is playing, they are waiting for you to pass through sonic landscapes by mystical sun. Voice by the beautiful datura. Extra sound design by anechoic. Try to listen to this track more in the background, in an ambient mode." When it was no more than him dropping the mic on the floor and screaming into a echo chamber. And then there is the explanation of the songs that sound like this, "spirit guiding different forms of energy, such as electronic energy mirroring astral energy. In this aeon the human race will evolve into a body of one mind, representing an awakening by transiting through the transpersonal into a shared psychic resonance". When all that is really going on in the song is, a drum machine, with some chick too high on heroin talking about her screwed up life on the streets, and how the world should be getting together to help her and her unborn child.Let me get one thing straight here.For all you misinformed people out there, and I have met a lot of them.I wrote and played and manipulated every single note on this CD.The only thing that the PC did was to record all the millions of variables I programed in to it. There is no such thing as COMPUTER music.Just like every breath a flutist blows into their flute, I breath life into all my notes that I produce to create MY SONGS.Anything else would be random creation. Hey! and you could do that eh?The days of four guys playing the same old blues song over and over over and over over and over over and over over and over again, are gone, and gone. (Well maybe not yet,(I do this on the weekends sometimes to pay the rent. When I started this CD, I had know idea what a computer was.Or do I now, after that I have released this CD.But I do know, it stores information.Whether some people like it or not, the future is here and you'd better get use to it.When I was young, I use to image having all the recording gear I now own today. I wrote this song to pisss off everybody who thought I was a serious music composer.And no one can be more pissed off then me. Beatin' Off.Who ever dies with the most notes wins!Music today is not just a bunch of people playing instruments making beautiful music together.It is any person with the intelligence to see the potential of the software around him, to create a band of his own I had twelve notes, I threw them up in the air, this is how they landed. You Can't Fool All The People, All The Time,(or can you).Because more, ain't enough, or is it?Chocolate bars and diet soda pop.If your really happy with it all, your not paying attention. (Ignorance is bliss) rock and roll is an excuse for idiots who want to pretend they're musicians, so they can impress their mothers, and girl friends,just so they can say they've become something (for 15 mins).And to prove something , can come from nothing.Dead meat! You are what you eat.Madpeople are coming next, or are they here?Press reviews. Intricate pieces featuring elaborate computer orchestration. Disco beats and garish Latin touches frequently serve as underpinnings for these frosty soundscapes. ? when's it gonna stop.........sounds like a whole whack of , what the hell ya got goin' on there, is that one of them soundamabobbers thingama gia's er what?? Fred Derf.18/3/98You know you have to getta job one of these days, are people going to buy that? ,life ain't alwa...blah blah blah..(ahh my inspiration)?PamThat f*cking dyckhead sends me one more threatening letter saying he has pictures of me in an uncompromising position, and reports of illegal fund mismanagement, then I'll make sure that dyckhead never even gets to play a gig, even in Inuvick N.W.T ?Nigel Grossamen (President ofa Aah anda Mah Records)....... 7/23/99It was great having a blackballed performer here, was real cool. he even had the whole crowd outside for some thing he called a production meeting, either that or the people where doing this weird motion thing in the isles or just drinking alota beer an stuff. We like to give everyone a chance here, last week we had a guy who use to inseminate cows before he, became a performer.?Tukmakt Kimkiklem (Hotel Owner Inuvick N.W.T) 8/23/99 ...,,,,.Lost, life long, best friend, response as of yet.?Ross Trout................hey is dat da same guys who sends me a pictures of me and Hitler together has one, because we have the same political idealism, ya that guy is really cool like dat or something,, say bein. ?Jean Cretian, Prime Dictator of some stupid really cold wilderness country or something 12/12/97?Your comments are welcome, and will be posted if I so desired. ------------Stock Press Interview Release-------------11:20 PM 9/14/00[Taken from a phone interview with Clayton done on 4:49 am 9/14/00.This may be freely used for any publications, audio versions available upon request. Insert name where applicable*](Interviewer, -insert your name here*-)- "So, when did you write this CD"?(Clayton)- "1997-2000"(Interviewer)- "Why"(Clayton)- "I was bored"(Interviewer)-"What do you think is needed today to make a hit CD?(Clayton)-"Crafty lawyers and greedy investors(Interviewer)-"Will you be appearing live anytime soon"?(Clayton)-"I will be appearing live everywhere that I am at that time" (Interviewer)-"?(Clayton)-"?(Interviewer)-"?(Clayton)-"?(Interviewer)-a!(Interviewer)- "Do you write the lyrics or the music first"? (Clayton)-"Hey! (Interviewer, your name here), It's got no words, it's just music" (Interviewer)- "Oh"(Clayton)-"So, what are your interested besides interviewing musicians." (Interviewer)- "Aahh, well not much, just work and stuff, but, but"(Clayton)- "How have you contributed to this planet we live on?"(Interviewer)-"Hey wait a minute, I'm axing the ?'s here you assh....."(Clayton)-"Ok, ok, lighten up buddy, no need to blow my 'G:Rating' because you have no sense of humor"(Interviewer)-"I'm sorry. It's just this job is getting to me. And, and, like I have know idea of who you are, or anybody else I interview, and I don't really care, but I have to pretend to, just to keep my job. I have a mortgage, car payments, all that stuff and it's just really hard to make ends meet nowadays, and it's hard to concentrate on my work.(Clayton)- :So let me see if I have all the correct info here"?(Interviewer)-"Ooookay"(Clayton)- "You, almighty you, have a bad day, and then you make sure everybody you meet that day, has a bad day too?"(Interviewer)-"Your pretty harsh on a.........(Clayton)- "No, you listen to me, you f*#& head, your office contacted me, I have better things to do than deal with idiots like you"(Interviewer)-"Ahh ahh oh I'm so sorry, so sorry (sobbing)(Clayton)- "Hey man I didn't mean to make you cry"(Interviewer)-"It's ok"(Clayton)- "See what happens when big corporation's are in control"(Interviewer)-"Ya, I know"(Clayton)-"We should try to vote these people out of office who let big corporations run things."(Interviewer)-"Do you think it will do any good"(Clayton)-"Hasn't before"(Interviewer)-"Oh"(Clayton)-"Do you know what I think we should do?"(Interviewer)-"No, what?"(Clayton)-"Take all the people who are exploiting anyone else and ....ah .. ..............(Interviewer)-"Hello, Clayton?"(Interviewer)-"Hello, Clayton?"(Interviewer)-"Hello, Clayton?"(Interviewer)-"I guess he hung up."(End of ------------Stock Press Interview Release-------------)The word is out! Claytunes has been hiring Xelent players and only paying them with promises and illusions of grander. His drummers wife said, "He said he had connections, and if we gave him $875.00 to help with the expenses he would, give us 25% of the CD. He did not, he's sold million$, where's our share?Clayton's Web site can be reached at the following location on your Internet connected In the future you may want to check out,http://www.claytonohowe.comLa música a mí es una paginación en blanco sin reglas, ningunas convicciones, ningunas maneras del conjunto, no impresiones del pasado, ningún incentivo del beneficio, nadie que le dice qué hacer o cómo a hágalo. ninguna dirección pero ir más lejos con innovador sonidos del placer. ------------------------------------------------------All Songs: Produced & Engineered, Edited, Composed by: Clayton O'Howe©1997-2001 by: Claytunes (Who'd Steal This Shit Productions. No Rights Reserved-------------------------------------------Thankz for given' it a listen to.Hey ! For all you others, you can use it as a coaster.ThankzClayton O'HoweClaytunes //~//~//~//~//~//~//~//~//~//~//~Commerce is the enemy of Art .
    Group Members
    Just me and my PC, electric and acoustic guitar, fretless and Fender basses, outside noises, creaks and sweaks, vocals, all keyboards.
    Press Reviews
    Intricate pieces featuring elaborate computer orchestration. Disco beats and garish Latin touches frequently serve as underpinnings for these frosty soundscapes. ?
    Duncan, BC - Canada

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