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    Music Style
    metalcore w' numbers
    Musical Influences
    anything metal
    Similar Artists
    hatebreed, bloodlet, soulfly, slipknot, pantera, tom waits, bloodlet, acid bath, meshuggah
    Artist History
    The Summer of '98 ushered in a new brand of talent, drive, and pure evil inuendo. Amongst a slew of other metal bands fighting to survive on bread and butter club shows in Canton, Ohio, killfranklyn arose as a heavy contendor for the spotlight. Joining members of Phore, and the now defunct Straitjacket Suicide, killfranklyn was poised to make a name for themselves. With driving guitar riffs, and a relentless vocal attack, the Canton metal scene was forever changed. Killfranklyn toured the United States delivering their special brand of hate, playing such clubs as Peabody's, Harpo's, and The Agora, just to name a few. Gaining momentum from each show, the band seemed to only get stronger and grow a larger following. Playing club after club, up to 3 times a week, with such national acts as, System of a Down, Mushroomhead, Crisis, Hatebreed, Dope, Switched, Dog Fashion Disco and many others, there is just no stopping killfranklyn.
    Group Members
    sally.bass, vilmar.guitar, choptop.guitar, drayton.drums, grandpa.vocals.
    bring it down, hatemail vs. killfranklyn 7inch, and evil is and act of confidence
    Press Reviews
    Cliff: I found your package right away this morning and am listening to it for the 3rd time today. I like it and your description was pretty accurate. Okay, here are my general thoughts on it... You chose a good opening song. It sounds like this one was mixed and the others are still rough. The levels are much higher on this track. I think it is a good representation of your sound though and it's a good choice to start with. You seem to use a lot of build ups and break downs typical of hardcore. I like that. The music seems to change from hardcore to a more "metal" sound a lot which gives it a lot of variety within each song. You do a great job of mixing styles, especially your drummer who seems to change off from fast drum beats to slower double bass very smoothly. I think my favorite track is #3 even though the squeeky guitar makes me want to drive down there and shoot you. I realize it is the heart of he song, but it was getting on my nerves. I love the vocal effects on that song though and it stands out to me as very different from the rest of the CD. Do tell, is this a newer song or older? For the most part, I like it a lot. I am going to take it in my car tonight and see what else hits me right away on a good system. I am sure I am missing a lot on these speakers. I am glad I listened to it today though because I had another crazy batch of promos that were not very entertaining! I look forward to seeing you live for sure now! Jenni Medea records
    canton, ohio - USA

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