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    Artist description
    4OUR (pronounced four) 3 tracks of bass and a vocal track. Sometimes I let PonyWombat throw in a little guitar and a drum machine. Christian leaning, pop-alternative sounding.
    Music Style
    Contemporary Christian Bass
    Musical Influences
    "The Wombats" were an influence.
    Similar Artists
    Well, we're not like Jars of Clay (not even close!)
    Artist History
    4OUR can trace it's roots back to an early 80's Blues/Rock band named Buried In Blue. Playing a variety of original songs mixed with blues and rock and roll standards, Buried In Blue made it's way across smoke filled bars through out Westchester, NY. By the late 80's, Buried In Blue had re-grouped as a three piece alternative rock band performing in clubs in the New York City area called "The Wombats". During this time, two of band's members began writing Contemporary Christian songs on their own. These two band members soon started looking toward a new direction (see John 3:3) that would eventually lead to the formation of Daniel's Lion. Daniel's Lion began as a two piece acoustic group playing mostly original contemporary Christian music and grew into a 4 piece rock band. Daniel's Lion's last appearance was at the 1999 NC State Fair. Out of these experience, out of these three distinctly different situations. From blues and rock to Alternative and Christian, from smoky bars to worship halls, rises a fourth.. 4OUR
    Group Members
    Ian Sands, Ian Sands, Ian Sands and Ponywombat (AKA Ian Sands)
    Electric bass, stand-up bass and bass
    Press Reviews
    4OUR Releases Second CD Project Titled "Daniel's Lion""Daniel's Lion: From Cub To Kingdom" is the second CD project available by the Christian pop/rock band 4OUR. The CD contains seven new original tunes by songwriter Ian Sands. the CD also includes a special Live version of "The Narrow Gate" with an appearance by former band mate Roger Loria.Daniel's Lion is more than a collection of songs. The project contains the story of Ian's rejection, search and finally acceptance of Jesus and the beginning of his walk as a Christian. The grungy, opening song "Stupid Kids" is a personal look as Ian reflects on his life prior to becoming a Christian. "All Day Long," the pop single, speaks to how patient God can be while waiting. Romans 10:21, "All day long I have held out my hands to a disobedient and obstinate people." NIV. "The times spent with band members during my Daniel's Lion days were precious," explained Ian. "We learned a lot, shared our beliefs, learned to pray together and grew spiritually." The song "Cross," written by Ian's good friend Roger Loria, reflects those times. "Cross" contains the struggle that Roger endured within his own spirit while coming to terms with his Christianity. "You might need to read the lyrics several times to get it," encouraged Ian. "This is a true song about learning to follow Jesus." The release of "Daniel's Lion" also happens to be in sync with the release of the Quest Comics "Soldier of God," written by Peter J. King-Art by Eric L. Kent. "The coolest by far is that a comic book titled "Soldier Of God" is featuring my previous band (and current CD title) "Daniel's Lion" in the February 2000 issue," Stated Ian. "In the comic book, Daniel's Lion is introduced by Robert Sweet of Stryper fame."You can find out more about "Soldier Of God" at the web site: "Daniel's Lion: From Cub To Kingdom" is available on our website for $5.99:
    Holly Springs, NC - USA

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