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    Artist description
    This was a good band. Unfortunately, John (Jackson) Monsour - vocals, Steve Jamieson - tunrtables, and Dan Corrigan - bass, thought that they could be sneaky and steal the songs that were written by the other members of the band and get rid of them. They were offered financial support from a scumbag who wants to be something in the music industry but never will...Lorenzo Scaraffalado. They made a big mistake. Never kick out the composers of your band. If you 3 0r 4 are reading this, you never will amount to anything in music. We are so glad to finally be rid of you idiots. Come see what the reality of what you did is about...making music that is true to our hearts. Something you idiots will never understand...must be a Belle Vernon thing.
    Music Style
    The musical style of FOLD 33 is a blend of various genres and musical cultures. There is no exact classification for their sound. The vocals combine freestyle hip hop with harmonic and melodic overtones, which mix in with the turntables as old skool break beats spin. The drums solidify the free-flowing structure of the melodies by thumping out thick caffeine beats and subtle ghost notes. The guitar work represents a collage of thundering chromatic scales with augmented, classical-oriented chords. Segovia-style bass lines add to the finishing touch of the music which, in the end, is described as Groove Core.
    Musical Influences
    FOLD 33 has been influenced by several artists along the way. They range from Chino Moreno and Stephen Carpenter of the Deftones, to W.A. Mozart and J.S. Bach of the classical world. Other influences include Count SA, Nicholas Hexum, and Chad Sexton of 311, along with Carter Beauford of the Dave Matthews and several DJ's such as Tony Touch, Franky Bones, Rectangle, and the 5 Deadly Venoms.
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    Artist History
    Jackson is gay, Danny is an alcoholic, and Steve is a spoiled brat that sucks on turntables.
    Group Members
    Broke up!
    Vocals (sucked), Guitars (true talent), Turntables (horrible), Bass(good but played by an immature imbecile), and Drums (good).
    Additional Info
    Jackson is extra gay, Steve is extra horrible on the 1's and 2's, and Dan is an extraordinary alcoholic
    Pittsburgh, PA - USA

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