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Neoblast Compilation

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    Music Style
    Extreme Metal Compilation
    Group Members
    1.Neuraxis(Canada) "Fractionized" 2.Spawn of Possession(Suède) "Inner Conflict" 3.Despised Icon(Canada) "Compel to Copulate" 4.One Step Beyond(Australie) "Greed" 5.Ashes of Eden(Canada) "Cerebral War" 6.Karnak(Italie) "A Face Disfigured by Thorns" 7.Stormrider(Suède) "Odin's Ride" 8.Thy Pain(É-U) "United in Blood" 9.Dauntless(Finlande) "The Distorded Facts" 10.Kabbal(France) "Trihedron" 11.Soulless(É-U) "Bleeding Darkness" 12.Necroblaspheme(France) "Isolating torture and torment" 13.Torn Within(Canada) "Behind Shadows" 14.Apostasy (Canada) "Déchéance morbide" 15.Coprofago(Chili) "La idea de borde" 16.Korum(France) "Follow" 17.Doxology(Corée) "A Torn Soul" 18.Virulence(É-U) "Painting" 19.Archaean Harmony(Malte) "Metabolism Under the Ascending Moon Part I" 20.Elements(Canada) "Gettable Form" 21.Sarkasm(Canada) "Hypno-Domination"
    Press Reviews
    V/A - Blast From The Underworld Blast From The Underworld (Neoblast) Not simply one of the regular "check us out!" metal compilations out there, Neoblast Record's Neoblast 3 is a gauge of the label's global outlook. Featuring bands from Australia, France, Italy, Finland, Sweden, Malta (!), Croatia, South Korea, Chile, Canada, and the US, this comp becomes a sociological exercise of sorts. The pseudo-intellectual point I'm coming to is that the Euros are a classy bunch, oftentimes preferring mood, atmosphere and elegant poison (both Karnak and Necroblasphme come to mind), as opposed to the wanky Scandinavians and the in-your-face North Americans. There are two bands on Neoblast 3, however, that deserve immediate attention from the major metal indies: Neuraxis and Ashes Of Eden. Neuraxis' 2001 effort, Truth Beyond..., is jaw-dropping in its advanced technicality, and absolutely brutal in its delivery. Imagine Cryptopsy in a verbal fight with Death and a more listenable version of Dying Fetus, and Neuraxis is the by-product. Secondly is Ashes Of Eden. Represented on this compilation with "Cerebral War", the band is proficient in use of melody, blackened vocals and an all-out thrash assault. Sure, that description sounds staid and formulaic, but the band incorporates each element into a deviant brandishment, topped only by its live performance (of which I have witnessed five times over the last seven months). Anyway, for a global overview of what's going on at the extreme and even more indie than usual levels, check out for more information on this useful and enjoyable little comp. [David Perri]
    Montreal, Quebec - Canada

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