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    Artist description
    Anonimus- without name or need for recognition. The pen behind the voice, the voice behind the words. Driven by a self-satisfying need to fill a void in the current state of hip-hop, this 24 year old wordsmith carries more weapons than most mc’s embarking on their debut release. A rare combination of quality and quantity anonimus delivers an almost irrefusable flow, eclectic in style and sound but clear in focus and fortitude, “One way or another I will be heard.” Rather than replace or succeed anyone anonimus chooses to focus on the untouched potentials of hip-hop, confident in his own sound and sermon. Refusing to place unnecessary focus on competition he travels his own road unthreatened by neigh Sayers. “I only take spots if the spot needs takin/ I’m not the one to hate if your hot keep bakin/ if not I’ll say it once while I still got patience/ we built from different stock I’m rock you claymation.” Penning verses since the age 13 this rural raised, urban upgraded mc always had a unique outlook on the world. Born through organized sport and competition, anonimus found security in dedication to personal preparedness. Preferring small circles of family and friends over long lists of acquaintances, anonimus or “nom” as those close to him often refer, had plenty of time to develop a strong sense of who he is and how he fits into the world around him. Rarely swayed by trend or triviality anonimus touches universal topics in a time when too many mc’s forget that 99% of those listening can’t and will never be able to relate to their Bentley and Benz, Beach House and Butler bravado. Having spent four years neck deep in the industry, behind the scenes, anonimus has touched both the snow at the mountain top and the sewer in the trenches, gaining invaluable insight most artists only find through trial and error of their own projects. “I’ve seen the wizard behind the curtain and know up front the magic and mystery he has at his disposal.” Balancing a somewhat suicidal anti-industry stance with a versatility rarely found, the question is not who will anonimus have as a core audience but what will happen when such varied fan bases come together to hear what he has to say
    New York, NewYork - USA

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