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    Artist description
    I was born in Memphis, TN in the year 1961, Oct. 4th. Where I lived for ten years. During that ten years I had many experiences as far as singing and playing the piano. My parents were always encouraging me to play more and more. At the age of four, I can remember so well, I started playing on an old upright piano we had In the dining room. My parents were really involved in church. God was a huge portion of our home. God was a huge part of my life. Though being young, I felt that I understood what it meant being saved and being a Christian. I remember all so well being taught from my parents that everything I have, all my abilities came from Him. Growing up I can remember I had very little interest in a lot of things that my buddies had down the street, I was always too interested in playing the piano and singing.. At the age of seven I was singing on the radio with my parents on Sunday mornings, and straight to church afterwards.
    Music Style
    Contemporary Christian, Gospel, Country Gospel, Christian Rock, Easy Listening Christian, Praise
    Musical Influences
    Floyd Krammer, Ernest Tubb, Mom & Dad, Aunt Joyce, Father God, Patsy Cline
    Similar Artists
    I have my own unique sound in voice and music.
    Artist History
    Having "piano" on my mind so much, Floyd Krammer had my total attention each time I caught him on TV. I had just about every record he had out, thanks to Mom and Dad, and played them constantly, before I knew it I was playing them on the piano myself. My Aunt and Uncle, Moms twin sister, were in the Country music scene themselves. Having albums and many records out they toured with many of the favorites back then. It was at the age of ten that my Uncle arranged a meeting for me to meet Floyd Krammer. I was thrilled. I met others as well that were regulars on "Hee Haw". It was then I had the honor of playing a Duet, side by side pianos, with Floyd Krammer. We played a medley of his songs and what made me feel good the most was he gave me partial lead. I was in Hog Heaven.. I also appeared on stage with Ernest Tubb at the Grand Ole Opry, then again later at the age of fourteen in different shows elsewhere. I can still hear him calling me "Little Stevie Smith". At the age of fifteen, I was appearing in Jamborees throughout northeast AR. and TN. I wanted so much to make a recording for myself, but money was tight. It was all I could think about. By this time I was attending a Full Gospel Church. I learned so much from being there, the importance and the wonderful feeling of raising my hands to Christ, fasting, the power of His healing, I honestly learned the true meaning of the Spirit of the Lord, and how it felt to have His Spirit come upon me. At the age of nineteen I joined a group and played in nightclubs for thirteen years straight. I strayed away from God. I always knew He was there and still talked to him on a daily basis, but there was a big difference. The atmosphere I was in had changed everything. I played on stage for several years with a coke on my keyboard, being surrounded by liquor I then learned the taste and was off to a happy go lucky time. From then on I drank like a fish and kept telling myself "this drink opens up my vocals" why not! I lived appearing in one night club after another, four and five nights a week, all those years. Gradually God was thought of less and less. At the age of thirty three I finally got tired of the scene and bought a home in Memphis. I missed my music so much, I missed attending church and being a part of God, but a job offer came and I took it. Another night club, this time as DJ. I thought "Oh, well, at least it's music". My drinking increased tremendously, and drugs became a big part of my life. The money was fabulous and I had everything I ever wanted, a beautiful home, two cars, a new motorcycle, every bill was paid on time with money to spare. Before I knew it Cocaine was controlling my life. (I like to think of this part being my testimony in life) I thought I played it smart for years there, I made sure all bills were paid and everything was taken care of, and what was left over I'd use for purchasing my coke. Slowly but surely it backfired and turned completely around. I made excuses on my job, for bills not being paid, just like I gave God excuses for not owning up to what I was really here for. One night while sitting alone in my dinning room, I did too much. My heart was beating so rapidly, I couldn't move. I was afraid this was it. I never experienced the sound of a heart beat so fast you can't hear a space in between. My chest was paining, a thousand thoughts were going through my mind. Each time I'd lean just a little the pain severed more. Something said to me "just sit there and breathe slowly". After that evening I threw everything in my sight that pertained to drugs down the toilet. God gave me my second chance and showed me just how quickly things could happen. I prayed and prayed on my knees for hours, weeping, I didn't care who outside the house heard me. All of my memories of happiness flashed in front of me, remembering how Christ was the biggest part of my life. I wanted it back and I meant every word.. I asked God to take it all away, and HE DID. Everything I owned that was in my home, came from being a part of the environment I was a part of all those years. Before I knew it, I was having the biggest estate sale ever. In two weeks I had nothing but my precious dog, clothes and one car packed for leaving. I sold everything and what was left I put in storage. I left for Palm Springs CA. I had to get away from the life I was living and start anew, and I felt this was the best way. I stayed in Palm Springs for almost two years and missed my family so much I returned back. On my return I learned that everything I had put in storage was stolen, everything, gone. Honestly, I didn't let it bother me, because I asked God to take it all away from me and so I felt that's just what he did. I'm now living in MS. And so very happy. For years now my body has been clean of any drug. My life has been so tremendously turned around, all due to the Grace and Glory of God. I learned a great lesson and I'm so Blessed, not fortunate, Blessed. God has blessed me so many ways and I praise Him and give Him all the glory. I'm forty one years of age now, and God has opened doors I never imagined could open. He's in my heart and life to stay.
    Group Members
    Steve W. Smith
    Keyboard, Guitar, Clarinet
    1. Jesus Take Control 2. The Sounds of Christmas Vol 1 & 2
    Additional Info
    What Inspired Me To Produce A CD? It's been a dream of mine all of my life. God knows for certain, and after all these years the door was opened for me to produce my first CD.
    Memphis TN, Olive Branch, MS, TN, MS - USA

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