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Doolin and

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    Musical Influences
    Peter Paul & Mary, Simon&Garfunkle Kingston Trio
    Artist History
    The Idea of Doolin and Greenwich came from Mark Litteral. Ron Delby and Mark Litteral had played folk music for several years as youngsters.. Ron discovered Peter Paul and Mary one day on the radio. The song was their famous song Puff the Magic Dragon. He could sing it with the record he later bought but he had never touched a guitar. One day at age 10 he had a plastic toy guitar and learned to play it on 3 strings. As he practiced he learned another guitar and progressed to 6 strings. Mark later tried his hand at an electric guitar and later bought an acoustic one. As time passed, Ron had been singing in various talent shows, winning blue ribbons etc. Ron went to work after high school and had not much time for music, but he still would play from time to time. Mark had begun to play more after he left the military and one evening he asked Ron to join with him. As they worked up a set and act, they tried several duet stage names and finally deciding to call their duet Doolin & Greenwich. Mark was an avid fan of Bob Dylan and wanted a name kind of close to Dylan so he chose Doolin. Also in his ancestry there were Doolins. Greenwich came from the famous folk singing section in NYC. They have played for benefits and coffeehouses locally and now have decided to share their new cd called D&G Bad Mans Gone (title of their cd) "We hope that folks like what we have and know that our cd comes from the heart" says Ron Delby
    Group Members
    Ron Delby & Mark Litteral
    celtic harp, lyre ,classical & acoustic guitars, banjo, autoharp and harmonica
    Ivanhoe, Va - USA

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