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FULL metal Fonzies,

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    Artist description
    Nirvana on a surfboard. West coast slacker car culture, listened to way too much punk rock and rock-steady. Great songs, everyone likes the songs. Catchy, makes you want to start your own band. Right now!
    Music Style
    metal pop surf punk
    Musical Influences
    Eddie Cochran, The Byrds, Serge Gainsbourg, The Clash, JMC, Buddy Holly
    Similar Artists
    Jazz Butcher, XTC, Sebadoah, AC/DC, The Motors, Buzzcocks, The FULL metal Fonzies
    Artist History
    Formed in 1995 from the ashes of Vancouver alterna gods, pretty excellent and SF metal favorites Louder than God. Debut album recorded in less than six days. Astonishingly offered contract by Caliber Records (now defunct) and to be distributed in the US by IRS/EMI (both also defunct, sort of). Anyways, master finally returned and released independently on KTF Speedway in the US and Canada. During the almost two year wait, H. Tennessee Winkler started local instrumetal faves; REMOVAL and Poor Billy Sabbath left in search of stuff. Currently Archie is writing new material and playing selected shows around Vancouver with new members. Will start recording the much anticipated follow up, "And Then the Tadpole became a Frog" in the Spring of '99. New band kicks butt. MP3 is so cool!
    Group Members
    Album line-up Mr. Archie Williams - Vocals, guitars H. Tennessee Winkler - Drums, vocals Poor Billy Sabbath - Bass, keyboards, vocals New Line-up Mr. Archie Williams- vocals, guitars Ms. Spike - Drums, vocals Prince Ras Far I- Bass
    Gretsch Guitars, Big Amps, Premier Drums and Excellent Suits.
    FULL metal Fonzies, the -S/T 1997 on KTF Speedway
    Press Reviews
    Mike Usinger - Georgia Straight, Vancouver, BC. August 6th, 1998 As band names go, FULL metal Fonzies ranks right up their with the Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black, and Noel Cowards Ghost. Three tracks into the band's debut release, however, it seems like a great moniker is the only thing the three- piece has going for it: "I'm Cool" is a shoe-gazer throwaway, and parts of "Rock and Roll pt. III" sound like Beavis and Butthead mimicking the guy who sings for Type O Negative. BUT stick with it and the band's 11 song debut eventually gets as interesting as anything released on Matador records in the past 12-months. The low-key, slacker friendly "Parlez-Vous Francais" offers the first sign that the Fonzies (by the way, don't ever call us's FMF for short. Thanks, Archie) may be onto something - over dirty sheets of skroky guitar, a robotic woman's voice spits out Grade 8 French phrases. Things continue down the same off-kilter path from that point on; "Creepy Crawly Karma" lives up to it's title, and "Stayed Too Long (I've)" is the kind of song Joe Jackson used to write before he started to suck!
    Additional Info
    Boys Don't Cry b/w Unlike You Single, Terror Within Soundtrack- Drunko, The weather, man.
    Vancouver, BC - Canada

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