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    Artist description
    Melodic and broody, yet driven by aspiration and my "splintered" heavier musical influences. ..........Every song I write stands on its own merit, containing any subject matter and or emotion that I feel at the time. My music is written first then the lyrics. Then after listening to that a hundred times or so, then and only then, I see what I have and build on the lyrics from there. Whom do I sound like? No clue! I simply dip into my vast pool of influences wherever needed ...then give it my personal flavorings.
    Music Style
    Sentient Rock ...melodic music with an edge
    Musical Influences
    Not in any order - Queensryche, Matchbox 20, Pearl Jam, Goo Goo Dolls, Metallica, Alice In Chains, Pink Floyd, Bryan Adams, Def Leppard, Dokken, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, The 80's Hairbands [Ballads], I think you get the idea!...
    Similar Artists
    Wow ...tough question - Marillion, Pink Floyd, Lobo, Matchbox 20, The Eagles, one and everyone
    Artist History
    I'm Doug "Angel" Luna - Solo Artist. Corporate Angel, started out as a result of my need to take my love of music seriously, ...without the influences of people/musicians who really were around to party, do drugs, and get laid. Yes, I too did my share of wasting my youth and was getting no where fast. So, I quit my drugs and drinking in one fell swoop. After 10 years of zero tolerance [for myself], I now manage to be socialable and keep it to a 3 drink maximum [twice, three times a month - lol]. As a result of the latter people and the situations involved, I almost gave up my musical aspirations altogether. This would be a shame for me because I think I have something to offer if only given a chance. I do what I do for the love of music...PERIOD!!! I would be a lost soul without it in my life. The "Big Spoiler" of my musical quests? ...I've been claustiphobic ~in some situations~ ever since I rolled a van 14 times at 70 MPH [ouch] in 2/1992. I know my chances will be slim regarding the latter statement. I accept this as my reality but I still believe my material can be used to benefit other bands and or soundtracks ...whatever.
    Group Members
    D. Luna and multiple other's along the way.
    Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Keyboards, Drums, Bass, Strings, Flute, etc..
    #1: Spell You're Under #2: Luna
    Additional Info
    ...this music is both relaxing, yet energized ...riddled with sweet guitar soloing. Don't plan on moshing or banging your head!!
    Kewaskum, Wisconsin - USA

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