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    Artist description
    This band came together to play Scr-emo music, meaning emo and hardcore punk in one. We have many influences, such as, Taking Back Sunday, Finch, The Used, Atreyu, Thursday, Alexisonfire and a local Ottawa band -"Hartsfield". When writing songs, we usually tend to focus alot on the powerful lyrics. Most songs we have written so far are about life and problems that the majority of the youth go through. We are about the music.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Finch, The Used, Alexisonfire, Hartsfield, Atreyu
    Similar Artists
    Finch, The Used
    Artist History
    "Grey In Sight" got together in the early spring of 2003. We previously existed as a band labelled Shortfall, but the guitarist quit, leaving us looking for new members. We searched for a while, had some try-outs, but no luck came to us. As of then we had no name, no lead guitar and no energy for trying to continue playing our instruments together, practices became a chore. It was just Tom, Mike, and Aaron playing together in Mike's basement. The band was about to split. If it weren't for Mike meeting up with a guy named Nick Hughes, who supposedly had an amazing scream and an awesome voice, the band would be no more. We all jammed on night and Nick became the new singer after about two minutes of screaming and gave us the ambition to find a new guitarist. There was no search this time, Tom recommended a guy named Brian, who he had been in a previous band with. Tom called him up at his college dorm and asked if he wanted to join a Srceamo band. Brian said yes, dropped out of his classes and moved to come practice. Now, "Grey In Sight" has written several songs and we're preparing to record a track at superstar records (northern sound studios) to send around and get shows around Ontario and setup a small tour this summer... - To Be Continued...
    Group Members
    Tom Shives - Drums Mike Berardini - Guitar Nick Hughes - Vocals Brian Macgillvary - Guitar Aaron Don - Bass, Backup vocals
    sammick, fender, gibson, tama
    Press Reviews
    We have previous reviews under the old band name "shortfall" in the local newspaper and on but since then our sound and style have changed and we have gotten a killahr singer.
    Nepean, Ontario - Canada

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