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    Artist description
    It is hard to fit FSD into a specific category of music. The band enjoys many different styles of music that have an influence on pretty much every song. They all like punk, alternative, and heavy music, but Brandon P. and Devin especially like old 80's hair bands! This influences some of the very cool dual solos that these two pull off. Every song is different. They have some slower heavier songs (In December) and then they have faster punk songs. It really depends on the mood that they are in when writing, jamming or brainstorming. It is hard for FSD to get together much and play. the reason for this is that both Brandon's are away at school in the states. Devin and Nathan are still chillin at home. They only time they get to play really is over the summers. Taking into consideration the fact that Nathan has only been with the band since May 2002, Foreseen Dilemma as it is now has only really been together for a year. Up until that point, there were songs being written, and some jamming, but nothing really took shape until Nathan joined. He has proved to be a very valuable asset to the band. Anyways, peace out.
    Music Style
    Mix of punk and other rock styles.
    Artist History
    Foreseen Dilemma (FSD) was formed in May of 2001. It pretty much started out with a couple buddies putting something together for talent show, then having talent show cancelled. After that, our first bass player informed me that we should get together with Brandon the drummer and jam. Anyways, long story short, we got together, Brandon P.- guitar/vocals, Steve - bass, Brandon H. Drums, and Devin - guitar/backup vox. Since then we have gone through four bass players to come to our current staus as FSD. Brandon (singer) and Devin are cousins, and Brandon (drums) and Nathan (our fifth bass player) are brothers
    Group Members
    Brandon Pazitka - Guitar,Keyboard, Vocals Devin Page - Guitar, Vocals Nathan Horniachek - Bass, Vocals Brandon Horniachek - Drums, Vocals
    Oshawa, Ontario - Canada

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