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Void of

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    Artist description
    Void of Logik, the best way to describe us is that we write all of our own music, there really is no right way our wrong way about it. It's natural, if it sounds cool we bust it out as Shaun would say. If it doesn't, well it won't get written. Actions speak louder than words, so download and see what you think! Thats all we could ask.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Are musical interest are diverse amongst each member, on one hand you have the metal head Isaac, Zach who likes pretty much everything, Shaun the instrumental rock guru, RJ the Jazz/Rock/and everything in between and Jay with his blues!
    Similar Artists
    STP, 3 Doors Down, Nickleback
    Artist History
    Well the band is about two years old, originaly it was a four piece made up of Shaun, Zach, Jay and his brother Isaac. Shaun, a guitar player was playing the drums, and doing an admirable job. They recorded there first album at polysound studios in Brandon, Fl in three days. During October of last year the band was looking to get a "real drummer" so to speak, and RJ came into the band around that time, Shaun moved to guitar where he is much more comfortable, and much better I should add. Since then they have been working on there second album, and Leavell recording studios in Spring Hill, Fl. Equiped with the latest Pro Tools HD3 gear, the combonation of an all digital studio, and John Leavells help have elevated the band to the next level.
    Group Members
    Vocals: Jay Farmer Isaac Farmer: Bass guitar Shaun Murphy: Lead Guitar Zach: Rythm Guitar RJ: Drums
    Shaun uses Ibanez guitars and Elixir strings, Zach uses Ibanez guitars and Elixir strings, Isaaz uses Carlos Robelli bass guitars and roto sound bass strings, Jay uses sennheiser mics, RJ uses Pearl drums and Pro Mark sticks, and a Yamha Akira Jimbo signature snare drum.
    Void of Logik self titled album, And the upcoming Pointless
    Tampa, Fl - USA

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