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Spiritual (Malaysia)

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    Artist History
    Spiritual is a heavy thrash metal band at the beginning, formed in 1997 in Ipoh, Perak -Malaysia. It took a long time… four years to exact days Spiritual go for a material since their torn apart on 1999 when they almost record an Ep material on that year. After few times delaying, now a new breed Spiritual was reborn finally release their debut material ‘Spiritual Reformations’ in 2003 upon the mankind. With this first and debut promo cd, the release eventually brink Spiritual brought to life, tearing all the frustration and barrier they have through along the years. Looking back to the band’s retrospective on 1997, Spiritual was formed by Egie in the first place. The line-up was complete along the years by Egie on guitars/vocals, Acad on guitars, ???? on bass, and ???? on hammer with a manner to aim a release for the band. However, the band decided to break due to some money problem during the recording in done, thus leave Egie in alone. Him his self didn’t know what problems have in the band but the tragedy happened again when the band was reform back in 2001, the ability goes down and again the band almostly part away. ???? (hammer), Sham (guitar), Chimee (guitar), Fahmi (bass) was decided to call it a day and Egie once again living in loneliness. But then in the beginning of year 2002, Egie decides to put Spiritual back on the track and once again Spiritual twicely reborn. The line-up has changed totally and these begin with underage musician, Aliv-khafankalust on hammer and Afidz session on bass. Without any experiences on recording, the trio runs for a material that we had know today ‘Spiritual Reformations’. Coincidence, while the recording was in progress, Razlord was interested in trying something out and he then be the permanently line-up until now. The music Spiritual belong before was been twist go more experimental, melodism, progressive, and seemierly weighty stuff.
    Spiritual Reformation Promo MCD
    Ipoh, Perak - Malaysia

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